All posts in " Big Pharma "

Make America Healthy Again

August 28, 2024 I had been pleading for RFK to join Trump’s team as Attorney General as it is the most powerful position in Washington, providing Kennedy absolute immunity, AND he can clear out the swamp. Kennedy joined Trump’s team but his position has not been announced. However, Kennedy said his main goal in joining Trump is […]

Trump Explains Why the Establishment HATES Him

August 23, 2024   We already know why the establishment hates Donald J. Trump. Socrates predicted a third party candidate would win the 2016 US Presidential Election. A Democrat turned Republican, Trump does not stand with either party as those within the establishment on BOTH sides detest him. Politicians may enter politics for magnanimous reasons, but to […]

The ETHICS Act – End Insider Trading in Congress

July 12, 2024

Both Democrats and Republicans in the Senate can agree on one thing – Congress has been using classified information to illegally trade stocks. Our public servants have been bought out by lobbyists and they no longer work for the public. A bipartisan group is passing on a formal consideration to prevent members of Congress and […]

The Only Candidate Who Could Prosecute Fauci

June 7, 2024

Let us never be fooled again by authoritarians draping themselves in the mantle of science. — Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) June 4, 2024 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. deserves more attention than the mainstream media could ever give to him. Kennedy has always been skeptical of the COVID pandemic and “the science” behind it. […]

AstraZeneca Admits Vaccine Had Lethal Side Effect

May 2, 2024

Vaccine manufacturers and health agencies have been silently admitting that their “safe and effective” COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have deadly side effects. AstraZeneca (AZN) is the latest manufacturer to admit that their vaccine was lethal as a class-action lawsuit attempts to hold the pharmaceutical company responsible. One of the first cases filed against the company came […]

Over 250,000 Dead Americans

November 3, 2023

America has lost the war on drugs as overdose-related deaths have quadrupled in the past decade. Overdoses from fentanyl are now the leading cause of death for Americans aged 18 to 45. There was even a 109% increase in childhood deaths (10-19) from 2019 to 2021. Around 106,699 Americans died from drug usage in 2021 […]

Poster Boy for COVID Vax Dies Suddenly

October 24, 2023

יונתן ארליכמן ז"ל בן 8 מת מדום לב 😥😥😥 לא מזעזע אתכם ? היכן הכותרות ? החקירות? כמה ילדים עוד ימותו על מזבח הזהב? ובייחוד שיש כבר שני מחקרים מבוקרים המעידים כי חיסוני ה mRNA גורמים לבעיות לבביות. עד מתי תתחפרו ? כמה עוד תכחישו? תזכרו שבכל רגע נתון זה יכול לקרות לילדיכם… — […]

Credit Scores on Medical Debt

September 25, 2023

It is a common misconception that unpaid medical bills will not hurt your credit score. Medical debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy in the United States. Health care costs are unsustainable and a short hospital stay could easily ruin the most fiscally conservative person’s finances. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is now considering […]

NIH Experts Received $325 Million in Big Pharma Royalties During COVID

August 15, 2023

Two weeks to slow the spread was simply not enough time for the elite to steal as much power and wealth as possible. OpenTheBooks recently revealed over 1,500 records showing those at the head of the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases quietly profited from COVID-19 and their […]

FDA Study Finds COVID Vaccine Causes “Spontaneous Abortions”

May 1, 2023

An 8-page study entitled, “PREGNANCY AND LACTATION CUMULATIVE REVIEW” reveals that the FDA and Pfizer knew that the mRNA COVID vaccines were dangerous for pregnant and breastfeeding women. The study was conducted at the request of the FDA, but the agency is still encouraging this demographic to take the vaccines. They tracked 673 women, 458 […]

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