All posts in " Britain "

Scottish Independence & BREXIT

March 12, 2019

QUESTION: Marty, Big fat question for you regarding the UK and the SNP. You seemed to support Scotland breaking away from the UK in 2014, but since then you’ve voiced your concern on the socialist policies of the SNP. I share that concern, as do a growing number of people here, in not so sunny […]

Britain & Labour’s Proposal for a Permanent Customs Union

March 5, 2019

The leader of the British Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, is desperately trying to prevent the Labour Party from fracturing and splitting into two parties. Most Labour Party members want a second referendum in the hope that the people would vote to Remain this time around. Many Labour members remain under the impression that the policy agreed […]

Medical Professionals’ View of Brexit

February 9, 2019

Physicians were unable to reach a consensus on whether or not Brexit should take place. The Allergists were in favor of scratching it, but the Dermatologists advised not to make any rash moves. The Gastroenterologists had sort of a gut feeling about it, but the Neurologists thought the Brexiters had a lot of nerve.  Meanwhile, […]

Brexit & Pi

February 7, 2019

    We are approaching 31.4 months this February from the original Brexit referendum on June 23, 2016. After such a period, the British government’s incompetence is shining through. The EU wants a hard border in Ireland all because they fear that goods could creep from the North to the South without them getting their […]

The British Press

January 26, 2019

BREXIT Deal of PM Down in Defeat

January 16, 2019

Prime Minister Theresa May now faces a no-confidence vote after her BREXIT plan was defeated to be submitted by opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. Nonetheless, our sources there say that she will probably survive as the Conservatives who rejected her plan are not likely to vote for a no-confidence motion realizing that a Corbyn victory […]

Will BREXIT force Change in EU & People Hoard Dollars Fearing the Euro Can Be Cancelled?

December 18, 2018

QUESTION: Marty, your account of Carausius and Postumus being the ancient Brexit is really interesting. Am I correct that whilst this separatist movement failed, it was this Brexit that forced Rome to reintroduce silver? HM ANSWER: Correct.  Diocletian introduced the silver Argenteus in 294AD after the defeat of Carausius’ separatist movement. It is highly likely that old silver denarii were […]

The First BREXIT – 260AD

December 12, 2018

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, thank you for your excellent commentary. Could you comment on the monetary system in Britain during the period following Rome’s waterfall event? I would be especially interested in the period following the capture of Valerian I through the 9th century. MG ANSWER: I suspect that the purpose of your inquiry is the loose […]

BREXIT Vote Postponed?

December 10, 2018

Prime Minister Theresa May has postponed the final vote on her BREXIT deal, which is a clear admission that she does not believe she can get the unpopular withdrawal agreement through the House of Commons. What is really fascinating is that the computer seems to have forecasted that result. We did not see a major […]

BREXIT Vote in Parliament

December 10, 2018

The House of Commons in the British Parliament will vote on Tuesday amid growing calls for the PM to go back to Brussels to renegotiate. Prime Minister Theresa May (PM) could remain in office even if the MPs reject her Brexit plan. The PM has come out and warned Tory rebels that their rejection could lead […]

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