All posts in " Central Banks "

Swedish Central Bank Voices Alarm

March 1, 2018

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Yesterday the Swedish Riksbank Chairman Stefan Ingves went on prime time TV expressing fear that public authorities are losing control over the Swedish currency! He also on prime time TV asked rhetorically -We have asked our self what is money?! Can you believe that!? What the heck is going on? The Chairman […]

Jerome Powell – Next Fed Chair

February 2, 2018

QUESTION: Powell is from the Carlyle Group which people say you advised. Do you know Powell? What do you think of his agenda? Will you be advising him? PD ANSWER: No, I never met Jerome Powell. Our contacts with the Carlyle Group I am not at liberty to confirm or deny with regard to any […]

ECB Forced to postpone New Stricter Credit Rules Indefinitely

January 27, 2018

The ECB’s was forced to suspend its new stricter credit rules indefinitely concerning bad loans. The banks were screaming “you idiot”  for it would have pushed way too many banks over the edge, particularly in Italy. With the Italian elections coming in March, the new rules would have been a major issue why Italy should also […]

Central Bank Reserves – The Rise of the Yuan

January 22, 2018

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I understand that your model shows that China will become the dominant economy post-2032. The IMF added the yuan to their SDR basket. Are central banks starting to use the yuan in reserves in a major way yet? KD ANSWER: Yes. The ECB (European Central Bank) converted a half-billion euros to yuan. […]

Interstate Banking & Changes to the Federal Reserve

December 15, 2017

QUESTION:  Hi Marty, You say, “The one-size-fits-all policy of central banks with regard to interest rates pits East v West in both Canada and the United States. Farmers, oil producers, and miners are forced to pay higher interest rates when their economies are declining because of speculative booms in Toronto or New York.” I can […]

Federal Reserve is Responsible for Global Warming

December 13, 2017

COMMENT: Marty,   I was looking at the Global Warming Chart, at the red line and saying to myself, “That look awfully familiar.” Then I got it.   Note how the red line drops down from 1907 to almost 1913, gets a WWI bump and then rises steadily to about 1938. Then it really goes […]

Denmark Central Warns Next Financial Crisis is Coming

December 5, 2017

The Danish Central Bank has come out to warn that there is another financial crisis ahead. The central bank identified several indicators that point to growing risks from its analysis perspective. It is recommending that the banks in Denmark begin to raise their capital risk buffer. The primary concern centers on household credit where banks have lent […]

Fed Admits it Does Not Understand The Markets

November 24, 2017

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I must congratulate you on a fantastic conference. You explained that the central banks were clueless and that the Quantity Theory of Money was wrong and was being misapplied. Your Vertical Market Report explains that there were two types of vertical markets and nobody has ever discussed them. Then this week, the […]

Bank of England & Real World

November 7, 2017

Without real-world experience, today’s move by the Bank of England would have cost you serious money. Yes, finally after more than a decade the BOE finally raised rates by 25 basis points to 0.50%. The move has been well telegraphed in recent days and having been confirmed the first thing we see is a 1.5% […]

Choosing the Fed Chairman

November 3, 2017

Many expect Mr. Jerome H. Powell to be President Trump pick for Fed Chairman. Trump is resisting pressure by conservatives to make a larger change at the Fed. Many conservatives, including Vice President Mike Pence, preferred John B. Taylor, who is an economist at Stanford and an outspoken critic of the Fed’s monetary policy. Taylor previously […]

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