All posts in " Civil Unrest "

What Kind of American Are You?

December 20, 2023

COMMENT #1: Are we being forewarned? This is a trailer of a new movie to be released April 26, 2024. Can you believe this? [some trailer] Civil War | Official Trailer HD GW COMMENT #2: Marty, this movie was inspired by your work. Nobody else forecast a civil war back in 2020. HU REPLY: All […]

The Coming American Civil War?

December 19, 2023

    COMMENT: Marty, you do have more influence than you think. You are followed in LA, and what you have been writing about with us heading into a civil war has now inspired a movie coming out in April. God Bless America. Fred REPLY: OMG. Maybe it will wake up people. That will be […]

2024 Election Interference – The Beginning of the End

December 18, 2023   Congress and the UNIPARTY have authorized the  United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) to continue until April, even when there have been nearly 100,000 violations of constitutional law, because it will be used against Trump. This demonstrates that even the Republicans do not want Trump in Washington. The city is so corrupt […]

U Penn Loses Millions in Funding After Hamas Rallies

December 11, 2023

  U Penn is the latest American university to lose a major donor due to misled students supporting Hamas. American universities were the first to promote the woke agenda and far-left policies. Hence it is not surprising to see privileged kids ripping down American flags and replacing them with the Palestinian flag. Hedge fund manager […]

The French Know How to Protest

December 9, 2023

French farmers throw manure on government buildings to protest high taxes in agricultural sector. This is an effective protest. — RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) December 8, 2023   Of course, if the American farmer did that in Washington, they would be called domestic terrorists or insurrectionists and either shot and killed on the spot or imprisoned […]

Dimon: Working Class Should Support Neocons

December 4, 2023

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon believes Americans should be upset about their economic status, and does not understand why there is not more outrage. The billionaire in charge of the nation’s largest bank believes that electing Donald Trump in 2024 would be the worst financial decision for the working class. Why? Well, Trump has made […]

Irish Patriotism is “Far-Right Extremism” – European Race Riots

November 28, 2023

The Irish are no strangers to battling those occupying their lands. This time, the European Union and Irish government permitted a mass influx of migrants into the country. Then Ireland granted those migrants the right to vote in elections. Increased foreign nationals, misaligned traditions and morals, followed by the deaths of numerous citizens has led […]

US Air Force Does Not Want Trump Supporters

November 27, 2023

(Above: Far-right domestic terrorists) The government is watching what you do and who you support. They are first alerting military service members that their political alliance could jeopardize their futures. This will be common practice once digital IDs and corresponding social credit scores are implemented. The Air Force has alerted service members not to attend […]

Did the Institute for the Study of War Stage a Mob in Russia?

November 1, 2023

An angry mob descended on the terminal of an airport in Makhachkala, Russia, looking for Jews. Telegram channel Morning Dagestan has over 65,000 subscribers, and someone posted a notice that a flight was scheduled to arrive in Dagestan from Tel Aviv. About 1,200 men stormed the airport, and the Telegram channel began urging the mob […]

Soros Open Society Behind the Left’s Support for Hamas

October 19, 2023

The far left in America is supporting Hamas, a terrorist organization. They make it clear that they are supporting Hamas and not merely the innocent civilians of Palestine. Groups like Black Lives Matter have posted images of paragliders, which would have been akin to someone posting a plane crashing into a building shortly after 9/11. […]

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