All posts in " Climate Change "

Climate Change & Solar Minimum

June 19, 2019

COMMENT: Hello Martin, You’ve covered the topic of increasing seismic activity and the correlation with climate change extensively in your daily blog. Since the solar activity started to decline (cycle 24) around +/- 2014-2015, it seems that the rate of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are increasing worldwide. Below I have added some links as reference […]

Climate Emergency – The New Justification for New Taxes

June 18, 2019

Cities have begun using the term “climate emergency” to justify new taxation. This was the case in the Guelph City Council in Canada where they declared a climate emergency. They have admitted that they “already have an action plan. A very ambitious, robust and doable action plan. We don’t need to re-state that.” The spokesperson […]

Greenland Glacier is Growing, Not Melting

June 13, 2019

Greenland glacier reverses stunned scientists, according to the Weather Channel. This is illustrating that everything is subject to a cycle. Many argue it is only temporary. But the winters have been getting colder for the past three years. As I have stated previously, this could be just a reaction of up to three years. If […]

Proposal in Europe to Kill Air Traffic Due to Global Warming

May 24, 2019

QUESTION: Dear Martin, This was my first WEC and it was an overwhelming amount of impressions, contacts, information coming over me. Still struggling to digest it all. I did not realize beforehand so much, but creating contacts with like-minded people is such a crucial part of the conference. It looks like 99% of the population […]

The Winter that Will Not End

May 20, 2019

This is the winter that does not want to leave. It is still raining and snowing in California, even in May, as reported by the LA Times. We are experiencing a long protracted winter in many areas. This does not bode well for the summer, which also appears to be shorter. If this unfolds and […]

Is Germany’s Active Volcano Awakening?

May 16, 2019

Most people have never heard of a volcano in Germany. Well, the caldera of Laacher See was formed after the Laacher volcano that erupted between 12,900 and 11,200 years ago. Everything collapsed into the empty magma chamber below only two or three days after the eruption, forming what is now a lake. The estimated Volcanic […]

Global Warming Hits London

April 6, 2019

It actually snowed in London this past April. Heavy snow caused sheer chaos across much of the UK.  The snow and hail even hit London where it rarely ever snows. I remember there was a dusting of snow one day back in 1985, and the city came to a halt. There was no snow removal equipment and people […]

Canadian Extremists Want to Sue all the Oil Companies for Causing Climate Change

April 4, 2019

In Canada, the left is urging lawsuits against oil companies to force them to pay for all the damage to the climate. Honestly, the oil companies should announce that they will layoff all Canadians and shut down all operations in Canada. Perhaps then these extremists will get what it means to go without oil: no more […]

The 8.6-Year Cycle in the Sun & Solar

April 2, 2019

Solar storms are important events yet they come in different sizes and different types. They are caused by disturbances on the Sun, and are most often coronal clouds associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that are produced by solar flares emanating from active sunspot regions. They can also erupt from rarer coronal holes. Solar filaments […]

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