All posts in " Climate "

Canada and the Climate Conspiracy?

October 21, 2019

Greta Thunberg, the Swedish climate activist, was flown into Alberta, Canada just before the Canadian elections. How does a 16-year-old journey to Canada? She must be escorted and who is paying for this lavish global trotting she is doing by flying on jets she wants to be grounded? Alberta is brewing for separation for its […]

Eat the Babies to Stop Climate Change?

October 19, 2019

This climate change scare tactics can really lead to serious responses from some people. One woman proposes destroying Russia and eliminating all Russians, but that will not be enough to stop climate change so she offers the next solution.

Could We Ever Eliminate Fossil Fuels?

October 18, 2019

QUESTION: Hi, Martin! Let’s get some numbers. Check the car numbers in Canada, assume a yearly mileage 15000km each and IF they all are electric ones assume consumption of 48kWh per km. Get the total and compare it with yearly production of electric energy in Canada. With data that I used, I got 17169TWh consumption […]

Greta Thunberg the Successor to Jesus Christ?

October 17, 2019

COMMENT: It is really disgusting that any church would call this girl Greta Thunberg the successor to Jesus Christ when she is linked both to Al Gore and George Soros. HW REPLY: I really find this entire climate nonsense extremely dangerous. The photo of Greta and Soros are fake. It is Soros’ grand scheme and the […]

Theory v Raw Data on Sun Energy Output

October 16, 2019

QUESTION:  Professor Valentina Zharkova gave a presentation of her Climate and the Solar Magnetic Field hypothesis at the Global Warming Policy Foundation in October 2018. The information she unveiled should shake/wake you up. Zharkova was one of only two scientists to correctly predict solar cycle 24 would be weaker than cycle 23 — in fact, […]

Civilization Dies When One Class Turns Against Another

October 16, 2019

China is NOT on board with this nonsense of climate change caused by humans. The South China Morning Post has reported that their scientists have traced their civilization and its rise and fall to the energy output of the sun. Simply put, when the climate warms, civilization flourishes. When it turns cold, we isolate ourselves and […]

Winter Wonderland – Volatility in Weather & Communism

October 13, 2019

Our computer models have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is absolutely no basis for human-caused global warming and that the climate has ALWAYS changed. There is no foundation to presume that the climate is being altered by humans. There have been previous periods where CO2 levels have been more than twice […]

The Climate Change Fraud Used by Marxists When Communism Failed

October 12, 2019

This is a good documentary on the subject of human-caused climate change. In a court of law, the evidence argued by the global warming crowd is absolutely a joke and in a real court of law, they would be charged with criminal fraud. This is an agenda which has been usurped by the Marxists who […]

Correction: We Should all be Dead in 2020 Because of Climate Change

October 5, 2019

COMMENT: Dear Marty, in your blog today you write that politicians state we have allegedly only 12 years to live. Please see this picture of the most read German yellow press paper „Bild“. They stated on front page of February 23rd, 2007: „Secret Climate Report: We have only 13 years left to save the earth!“ This […]

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