All posts in " Climate "

It’s the Volatility – not the Temperature!

July 19, 2019

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, in relating your comments on weather and how the winters will spike to record cold and then the summers will spike to record highs, is this the same as a panic cycle in markets? HC ANSWER: Yes. Our computer looks at the weather the same as it does with the price in […]

More Insanity from the Climate Group without Supporting Evidence

July 9, 2019

Breakthrough Report 2019 Here we go again. The Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Change has issued a report without ANY scientific evidence whatsoever offering an opinion predicting the end of human civilization as we know it. The report begins: “In 2017-18, the Australian Senate inquired into the implications of climate change for Australia’s national security. […]

Climate Change – Hail Storm in Mexico & Snow in Norway in July

July 6, 2019

The hail storm in Guadalajara, Mexico, has shocked many who are calling it a freak storm. It has happened many times in various cities. The real concern is this fake research about global warming with the data being manipulated to pretend there is some linear trend. GAST Report fake data The real concern is that […]

Over 37,000 Head of Cattle Die from Global Warming in Montana?

July 2, 2019

COMMENT: Marty, the winter of 2018 has been the coldest ever. We lost so many heads of cattle here in Montana, I have never seen it this bad in my lifetime. These people preaching global warming belog in prison. JH REPLY: The federal Livestock Indemnity Program paid out $11.1 million for the loss of 37,352 […]

European Car Manufacturers Heading into a Crisis?

July 2, 2019

The Global Warming conspiracy is going to seriously harm the European economy. The political intolerance for the combustion engine has German engine suppliers in a crisis. It appears that there is certainly no more money being invested in any technology to do with the combustion engine. That also means that the unemployment in that industry […]

Climate Change & Solar Minimum

June 19, 2019

COMMENT: Hello Martin, You’ve covered the topic of increasing seismic activity and the correlation with climate change extensively in your daily blog. Since the solar activity started to decline (cycle 24) around +/- 2014-2015, it seems that the rate of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are increasing worldwide. Below I have added some links as reference […]

Climate Emergency – The New Justification for New Taxes

June 18, 2019

Cities have begun using the term “climate emergency” to justify new taxation. This was the case in the Guelph City Council in Canada where they declared a climate emergency. They have admitted that they “already have an action plan. A very ambitious, robust and doable action plan. We don’t need to re-state that.” The spokesperson […]

Greenland Glacier is Growing, Not Melting

June 13, 2019

Greenland glacier reverses stunned scientists, according to the Weather Channel. This is illustrating that everything is subject to a cycle. Many argue it is only temporary. But the winters have been getting colder for the past three years. As I have stated previously, this could be just a reaction of up to three years. If […]

Climate Change – the Elections Issue

June 12, 2019

In Australia, the polls said this would be  a climate change election because the voters were confronted by a drought that they were blaming on human causes. Tony Abbott, the former prime minister, lost to an independent who campaigned on the issue. There were a few other new candidates who used climate change and also […]

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