All posts in " Climate "

30 Years of Global Warming Forecasts all Failed

June 24, 2018

  The Wall Street Journal just published a review of the Global Warming Forecasts for the past 30 years. They have not even come close to the scenarios they put forth back in 1988. On June 23, 1988, the then NASA scientist James E. Hansen who helped to start all this nonsense testified before the Senate […]

Climate & Hunt for Taxes

June 19, 2018

The leaked UN climate report is very alarming. They are using linear analysis as always and disregard any nonlinear cyclical data. They are urging that a major crisis will take place by 2040 and that countries must clamp down on emissions virtually IMMEDIATELY.  They are arguing to increased taxation and Europe will eagerly follow because […]

Are We Getting Sea Life High on Opioids?

June 10, 2018

  Believe it or not, mussels in Seattle are testing positive for opioids. Mussels are what are known as “filter feeders” since they absorb food from their surrounding environment. The problem that is surfacing is demonstrating the difference between “pollution” and “climate change,” which so many people assume are the same thing. Mussels absorb also […]

A Volcano & the Last Little Ice Age

May 30, 2018

In the upland region of Southern Peru, there is a volcano by the name of Huaynaputina which to this day remains one of the largest ever to erupt in South America. It exploded on February 19th, 1600, and is recorded as the largest volcanic explosion ever in South America. However, studies have shown around the world that […]

How & Why Ice Ages Are Created

May 29, 2018

The weather is still unusually cold in the north. In Newfoundland, they woke up to a foot of snow.  In Iceland, they just had the coldest day in 100 years. It has long been understood that to create an Ice Age, the artic actually should be ice-free. The Arctic Ocean is the smallest and shallowest of the […]

The New Madrid Fault – What is It Due?

May 26, 2018

  QUESTION: This is the start of more volcanic and earthquake activity. Everyone thinks about the west coast when they think about quakes, but what about the center of the country and the New Madrid fault. What is the timeline for it GB ANSWER: The last big one was 1811-1812. There were actually four earthquakes during […]

Climate Change & the 43-Year Cycle

May 24, 2018

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I was browsing through the website of NASA and came across a graph (see attachment). It shows the temperature differences between 1880 and 2012. As far as I can see there seems to be a +/- 40-year cycle. I have edited it with the red vertical lines. The end of the current 40-year […]

Weather Impacted Wars & Migrations in Pre-Recorded History

May 24, 2018

  Archaeologists working in the wetlands of Denmark have uncovered 2,000-year-old human remains are revealing that the Germanic “barbarians” were engaging in warfare in northern Europe against other barbarian tribes which had nothing to do with Rome. The research, which was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, provides a unique look at how […]

The Complexity & Fractal Nature of Nature

May 15, 2018

They have recently confirmed that not merely are the Milankovitch Cycles correct, but there is a fractal nature to everything as well as a cycle that sits on top of everything so far. They have determined that there is an approximate 405,000-year cycle in the shape of the Earth’s orbit that shifts from almost perfectly circular to […]

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