All posts in " Economics "

IMF Recommends “DEEP” Negative Interest Rates as the Next Tool

August 12, 2019

The IMF has continued to assume that the zero-bound on interest rates can be a serious obstacle for fighting recessions on the part of the central banks. The IMF maintains that the zero-bound is not a law of nature; it is a policy choice. The latest in the IMF papers argue that tools are available […]

The Money-Class is Always the First to Respond

August 8, 2019

QUESTION:  Dear Mr. Armstrong, reading your blog daily I am wondering how much and what exactly has to change in the peoples’ minds apart from the global changes that will manifest through all that is in alignment according to cycles that you have presented to the world. You are one of the few people, but […]

When did Trading Begin? Were Free Markets the Key to the Rise of Empires?

August 2, 2019

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I figured there is nobody more qualified to answer the question of where and when did markets first begin to trade? Did markets have anything to do with the rise of nations you write about? KD ANSWER: Only those societies that developed financial markets ever rose to greatness. Those who bash markets […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Complete Disruption to the World Economy

July 31, 2019

PRIVATE BLOG – Complete Disruption to the World Economy Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Is Inflation Inevitable?

July 27, 2019

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong is there any way we can not have inflation. If so how? If not what would you say 5% or more? S ANSWER: It all depends on your definition. The type of inflation coming is more STAGFLATION where prices rise due to cost-push (shortages) but there is a declining economic growth. The […]

California Economy Declining Significantly

July 22, 2019

California is the center of the far left which takes the position that even undocumented aliens can hold a position in government, they support sanctuary cities, and of course, they are the major movement in the New Green Deal initiative. Berkeley, California banned natural gas which is a clean fuel requiring homes to be powered […]

California Economy Continues to Decline

July 22, 2019

California is the center of the far left which takes the position that even undocumented aliens can hold a position in government, they support sanctuary cities, and of course, they are the major movement in the New Green Deal initiative. Berkeley, California banned natural gas which is a clean fuel requiring homes to be powered […]

Trump’s Federal Reserve nominee Judy Shelton & Gold

July 8, 2019

QUESTION: Hello Where do you guys see as the next World economic conference in 2020?. Will there be another one in Asia? or Europe? Also, I wanted to try to give this question to Marty, although I never had the luck to get his response… more than once. “Trump just announced to nominate Judy Shelton […]

When Bonds Become Money

July 4, 2019

QUESTION: You said the “crash is in the debt markets”. Can you please explain how that will evolve? Liz M. ANSWER: Once upon a time before 1971, there used to be a difference between debt and cash. Government bonds were not acceptable for collateral. You could not borrow against them. You had to liquidate them. […]

Will Shipping Turn in 2020?

June 28, 2019

COMMENT: HI MA, Well, I know you’ve written about Germany many times as the next big country in Euro to hit the skids…I kept with Italy for a long period BUT now it is neck and neck… What changed my mind?   Independent of your writings…. It is shipping…there are a significant amount of German banks in […]

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