All posts in " Economics "

Our Flawed Monetary System & Why it is Doomed

March 26, 2019

QUESTION: You mentioned that Rome had no national debt and no central bank. Exactly how did it function for 1,000 years? JY ANSWER: In addition to not having a national debt or a central bank, Rome had no police force or agency charged with enforcing the law. There were specific crimes against the state that would […]

The Risks of a Cashless Society

March 22, 2019

QUESTION: Hi Mr Armstrong, Thank you for continuous education. I hope to get your view on cashless societies. There are worries that nations will move to cashless transactions in the near future. Do you think this will actually happen? My guess is it will be a failure and there will be “black” markets where transactions in […]

Is Perpetual Prosperity a Fictional Dream?

March 15, 2019

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong…Thanks for trying to settle our confusion re: Griffin’s “Creature” You make a distinction between Gov’t mandated debt & Fed helicopter money. But isn’t debt still just debt? Also, you seem to be saying the Federal Reserve is a necessary evil (maybe not even evil), & that central banks & fractional reserve banking […]

Draghi – The Opportunity & the Nightmare

March 14, 2019

  I cannot stress enough that Mario Draghi has really destroyed the European economy on an unprecedented scale. I know people who worked on trading desks years ago when Mario Draghi before he was head of the ECB, was there to observe how things operated. His policy of perpetual low to negative interest rates is […]

World Trade & the Confusion

March 12, 2019

QUESTION: Marty, just reported this past week America’s trade deficit hit a record $891 billion while, in the same week, unemployment report fell to 3.8%. Does this refute the conventional economic belief that trade deficits take away jobs and output? Cheers, TGM ANSWER: What is reported as trade is not simply trade. The numbers are […]

The Fallacy of MMT

March 12, 2019

QUESTION: These economists who propose this MMT claim that since the U.S. borrows in its own currency, it can print dollars to cover its obligations, and can’t go broke. The theory has won converts among freshman Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as a way to finance such social policies as the Green New Deal and Medicare […]

The Solution

March 5, 2019

  COMMENT: If every 16-year-old school student had to write a thousand-word essay on this presentation the world as we know it would change miraculously within a generation. JM REPLY: Thank you. I agree. If we stopped and looked at the facts, putting politics aside, we would see that we deserve what we get if we do […]

Capitalism – Oligarchies – Socialism

February 24, 2019

COMMENT #1: Hey Marty, I’ve never written you in this vein, but (always extremely talented) rich guys saying “Let the chips fall, free market capitalism” are gonna get washed away by this wave and we both know it. When the mass of people don’t even own a vegetable plot despite working their rears off for the […]

Persecution – An Economic Symptom?

February 21, 2019

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is it true that in Spain under Isabella demanded all Muslims convert or leave Spain? Are we facing such a cycle again when we look at the hostility that is growing over religion? KG ANSWER: That is an interesting question. As far as a major religious uprising, we are probably looking at that […]

The Divorce Agreement to Avoid Revolution

February 20, 2019

  Here is something that is going viral. It is the reality of our political-economic situation as we head into 2032 and begin to watch this cascade out of control come 2020. If we do not respect what is written here, there will be no choice for society and it will lead to revolution and […]

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