All posts in " Economics "

What Makes the Dollar the World’s Reserve Currency?

November 13, 2024

Throughout history there has always been a dominant currency. As each empire became the new financial capital of the world, their currency became the most prized and tended to circulate around the globe into even the fringe economies that they may have never heard of at that moment in time. The dollar is basking in […]

The October Jobs Report – USA

November 4, 2024

The job market is cooling across America, slowing to a pace not seen since late 2020 during COVID lockdowns. Now, one must remember that natural disasters decimated numerous states. Yet, I tend to look at two things – public sector growth and manufacturing. Unemployment stands at 4.1%, while the measure of discouraged and underemployed workers […]

Tax Reform = Social Security Reform

November 3, 2024

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I’m sure you do not remember me. I worked on Capital Hill when you were shuffling around the halls pitching to reform the debt and social security. This interview was too short, and you did not get to explain the full scope of what you were doing. I think you should also […]

The Solution

November 1, 2024

  People are writing to ask if Trump is adopting our solution since he talked about eliminating the income tax, which I was proposing during the ’90s. There is no longer a need for income taxes at the federal level because money is no longer tangible. Taxes were necessary when money was gold and silver […]

US Budget Deficit Third-Highest on Record

October 23, 2024

The United States Treasury reported a $1.833 trillion budget deficit for the fiscal year ending September 30. This marks the third-highest deficit on record, but it is solely due to government spending. The highest deficit happened in 2020 during the disaster of COVID, and second behind is the clean-up year of 2021 when the deficit […]

Americans come last – ALWAYS!!!!!!

October 3, 2024

The Biden Administration, under the Neocons’ control, has sent Ukraine $24.4 billion. The Ukrainian population is about 28 million, minus all the ethnic Russians in the Donbas, which would be about 42 million combined. That means the Biden Administration has sent the equivalent of $871 per person, but it does not go to the people. […]

Can the Republic be Rescued?

October 3, 2024

COMMENT: I attended the Rescue the Republic gathering and was very disappointed. Peterson merely identified the NeoMarxist agenda, but nobody seemed to have any honest solution. It is clear they do not understand history, human society, and the outcome. Your comments about the Civil War being economic to the South and religious to the North […]

Consumer Confidence – Biggest Crash Since 2021

September 25, 2024

COMMENT: Marty, it is amazing that the world is not focusing on your model. Consumer confidence in the US took a nose dive, which was the largest decline in more than three years. The ECM turns, and central backs began to cut rates within weeks, and you explained that recessions are born when people lose […]

Be Careful of Research Attributing Everything to a President

September 24, 2024

QUESTION: Do you agree that Trump supported the digital ID to control the border? OB ANSWER: I do not know your source, but it sounds like someone who just attributes whatever idea takes place during a presidential term to whoever is president. Perhaps that is one way to do research, but it tends to reflect […]

Supplemental Poverty Measure on the Rise

September 19, 2024

The latest Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM) found that at 12.9% of American households currently rely on government assistance, up from 12.4% one year prior. The figure was at 11.8% in 2019 and has risen every year under Biden-Harris. The data only factors in US households and not the tens of millions of illegal aliens who […]

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