All posts in " Economics "

Germany Increased Tax Collections 4.3% 1st Half 2017

August 30, 2017

The Germany has posted a stunning 4.3% rise in tax revenues during the first half of 2017. I have warned that while the ECB keeps buying government bonds to “stimulate” the economy, they keep trying to sterize the expansion by raising taxes and hunting people for taxes. They do not seem to grasp that injecting […]

The Phillips Curve No Longer Works

July 28, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Thank you for coming to Frankfurt. Nobody gets that big of an audience here ever. What you illustrate with the three faces of inflation means that the Phillips Curve no longer functions. Was this something like Kondratieff’s Wave that it was based upon a period that is outdated? Thank you once again. […]

The Month-End Closing for July 2017

July 28, 2017

The dollar correction for this Year from Political Hell is still in motion, but there is no major change in trend that is at hand. In the British pound, the Monthly Bullish Reversal stands at 13485 level on cash.  In the Euro, the Monthly Bullish remains up at 12885 with a Minor Monthly Bullish at […]

Get Ready for the Phoenix – The Reality of a One World Currency

July 15, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Are you aware of the 1988 Economist article predicting that in 30 years from then we would all be using the same currency?  That is strangely your target of 2018 when you have warned that the Monetary Crisis will begin then. I met an attendee from your 1985 WEC there in Hong […]

Are Bail-Ins Supported by Free Market Philosophy?

June 30, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Reading between the lines, it seems that you support bank bailouts at taxpayer expense. Is this not counter to free market philosophy? KE ANSWER: Yes it is contrary to free market philosophy. However, it is the only reasonable solution at this moment in time without structural reforms to the financial system. If […]

Welcome to Deflation

June 21, 2017

People are just starting to grasp why deflation is also present in the USA. Despite all the screaming about Quantitative Easing, most remain confused why hyperinflation has not taken place. Most are Oblivious to the fact that there is a dynamic process involved that is a lot more complex than traditional economics teaches in school. Sorry, […]

Asset v Money

May 21, 2017

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I am a long time reader and so appreciate your daily blogs, You have taught me so much about the global interconnectivity of markets and human nature of the “herd”.Thank you for your life dedication to the pursuit of Truth and justice. You are appreciated more than you know. My question is that […]

Communism Began During the French Revolution in 1793

May 20, 2017

QUESTION: Good morning Martin,recently you stated communism originated in France was wondering if you could give us a short history on that sometime.Keep up the good work as always. W ANSWER: Communism emerged during the French Revolution. It was an experiment known as the Parisian Commune of 1793. Marx was introduced to the idea whereas Marx had […]

Federal Reserve & Elastic Money & NY Clearing House Certificates

May 2, 2017

QUESTION: Why do you support the fed in what you call elastic money and not a gold standard? ANSWER: As usual, you listen to the nonsense about how the Fed is owned by the banks and is responsible for probably everything evil from creating wars to probably killing JFK. The entire use of “elastic money” […]

Democrats Count of Press to Blame Trump if Social Security Defaults Temporarily

May 1, 2017

The Debt Ceiling issue is back and of course people will sell the dollar as if the USA would actually default. The bulk of the debt is owned by the government so any default would send the economy down and pension funds from Social Security to government pensions.  Nobody pays off their debts. All countries […]

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