All posts in " European Union "

The Rising Anti-EU Sentiment Ahead of the EU Elections

May 15, 2019

In Hungary, the anti-EU movement runs intense and links Soros and his funding behind the curtain as the number one problem. There have been protests in Hungary implicating the fact that Soros has been behind everything. The anti-EU sentiment is rising ahead of the May 23rd elections. The main issue that has torn Europe apart […]

Did Europe Alter its Destiny By Accepting Refugees?

May 4, 2019

QUESTION: If I remember my history well, letting in all of these refugees who are Muslim will eventually mean that Europe becomes Muslim or at the very least we will have a Muslim at the head of the EU in a matter of just a few decades. Would you care to refresh my history on […]

European Politics

April 23, 2019

QUESTION: Will you be covering BREXIT and the May elections since Nigel Farage will be speaking? What about your forecasts on civil unrest? It is really starting to surface here in Europe. Thank you MU ANSWER: Yes. Politics is critical because this is reflecting the shifts in confidence that will drive the markets. We are […]

The Fate of Europe

April 23, 2019

QUESTION: Marty; Your capital flow models have been remarkable. Do you see Europe as ever getting its act together? We need support to get decisions approved as you know. Will you provide that for us to present to the men above? Thanks. Nice to see you in Europe. Rome should be great at this time […]

Netherlands Objects to France’s Attempt to get EU Funding in a Crisis

April 19, 2019

The Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, is objecting to France’s desired changes to the EU budget. France wants aid with the inclusion of the objective to “stabilize” the economies within the Eurozone, whereby the Netherlands wants all funding to be limited to furthering “competitiveness and convergence.” The Netherlands contributes the most to the EU, […]

France v Netherlands

April 17, 2019

COMMENT: I had to laugh your comment that the EU pretends to be a happy family but they are still nationalistic no matter what they say. The Dutch bid to buy Air France is just the tip of the iceberg as you say. Thank you HS REPLY: You are absolutely correct. The Dutch government’s bid to […]

The Treaty of Rome & 2020

April 12, 2019

QUESTION: I believe back at your 1985 WEC, if I remember correctly, besides the 2016 target for the first opportunity for a third party type president, you also gave the date 2021 for the potential breakup of the Treaty of Rome. Could you refresh my memory on that one? See you in Rome Thanks as […]

PM May to Join Left Against Her Own Party?

April 3, 2019

Anyone who wants to understand why the dollar is the only game in town, all they need do is look at the politics in Europe. It is just absurd. In Britain, Prime Minister Theresa May simply REFUSES to abandon her BREXIT plan no matter how many times Parliament votes against it. She survived a no-confidence […]

Financial, Political & Banking Chaos in Europe Going into May

March 29, 2019

The British Parliament has rejected Prime Minister May’s BREXIT plan for a third time. This now leaves them to come up with a plan that Brussels must accept by April 12th or face a hard exit. On top of that, the phone here is melting down with questions about how “hard” is a “hard-landing” going […]

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