All posts in " European Union "

Merkel Has been the Face of Europe – So Get Ready!!!!

October 30, 2018

  Merkel has been the face of Europe – good, bad, or indifferent. Germany has been the major economy in Europe with France a distant second. We must understand that the fate of the Euro hinges on this position of Merkel. She has been a staunch supporter of austerity and the Green and AfD are […]

Europe & Risk of Revolution

October 29, 2018

QUESTION: Thank you, Mr Armstrong, for your lifetime work. mindblowing as always. I picture Europe now as Greece during the Roman Republic (before its conquest). isolated, corrupted to the core. And the US as the new Roman Republic. Will it become an empire after 2032? Marius was the man of the people and in the end, […]

Eurozone will Collapse – There is No Other Choice Economically

October 26, 2018

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I can see what you have been arguing about the faulty design of the euro. After the EU rejected Italy’s budget, is there any hope left for Italy? RS, Rome ANSWER: For those who do not follow Europe closely, the European Union took the unprecedented step Tuesday (23rd of Oct) of rejecting […]

Italy Sends it Budget to Brussels

October 17, 2018

The Italian Government has gone and adopted the controversial draft budget for the coming financial year. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said that the budget plan would keep the government’s promises, and keep the public finances in order. The government has now forwarded the draft to the EU Commission in Brussels for consideration. This is where […]

GDPR Creates an Overwhelming Bureaucratic Nightmare in Europe

October 16, 2018

  The new data protection legislation in Europe known as GDPR. has resulted in simply overwhelming the government with complaints and inquiries from small businesses who do not understand the regs. In Germany, the various agencies are reporting a 500% increase in complaints. Even in Bavaria, 2,974 consultations took place in 2017, and so far this year […]

Merkel’s Conservative Lose Absolute Majority in Bavaria

October 15, 2018

It is really mindblowing how politicians simply refuse to admit a mistake with the refugees and reverse course. Merkel has dug in her heels in over this issue and it is just not going to get better. From the outset, I warned that in an economic decline, the last thing you do is accept immigrants. […]

The ECB on the Verge of Collapse?

October 15, 2018

  The European Central Bank (ECB) will NOT aid Italy with an EU rescue program if the country or its banks are in financial turmoil. The Italian government is taking the view that Italy has become an “occupied” country and that Germany has conquered Europe imposing austerity and its view of inflation upon the whole […]

IMF Warns Britain not Brussels About Hard Exit – Another Political Forecast

September 25, 2018

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have tracked the IMF forecasts alongside yours and it clearly appears that they are mimicking you very closely. However, something strange has taken place, for now, their latest warning it seems to be politically motivated. Lagarde warns that the U.K. economy will contract with a hard Brexit. Is this coming from […]

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