All posts in " European Union "

German Companies Demand German Tax Cuts

December 4, 2017

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; It is so clear you understand the basic human response that drives the economy. It is amazing why the entire world does not listen to you. Within 24 hours, German companies are demanding tax cuts to compete with the Trump tax cuts. They realize what you have been saying. The USA will […]

Société Générale Announces Major Reduction in Staff & Branches

November 29, 2017

  COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Your warning about the European Banks has come to a head today. Société Générale has announced it is closing 300 branches and firing 3450 staff. Everything you have been saying is proving to be correct when nobody else seems to even discuss the matter. I hope you come back to Paris. A […]

Remaining EU Member will have to pay 15% More upon BREXIT

November 17, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; All the news here in Britain is always how bad it will be if we leave the extortion ring in Brussels. You have mentioned that we are the biggest market for German cars. What will Brexit do to the EU? Thanks GD ANSWER: Once the British exit from the EU “extortion” ring as […]

EU Support Madrid Refuses to Acknowledge Catalonia

October 31, 2017

  Madrid has seized Catalonia by force and the EU, of course, backs Madrid saying they do not recognize Catalonia as a free state. This is demonstrating that human rights in Europe mean nothing when it comes to protecting the jobs of those in Brussels. This is clearly sending a statement to the rest of […]

Is Europe Repeating the 1930s?

October 24, 2017

Europe is now replicating the 1930s and the mistakes it made with austerity back then as well outside of Germany. Of course, Merkel has imposed the German view of austerity based on their experience but has ignored the opposite experience of the rest of Europe that led to the 1931 Sovereign Debt Crisis and mass […]

Catalonia is not Just About Spain – it is About Brussels!!

October 23, 2017

There are of course those in Spain who side against Catalonia. Others write who are in Catalonia yet disagree with the separatists. Let me make this very clear. It is the government of Rajoy who has acted abusively, and this is all about protecting Brussels and federalizing Europe behind everyone’s back. Rajoy should have allowed […]

Rajoy Continues to Act in the Spirit of Franco Warning Spain Cannot be Trusted?

October 22, 2017

Spain is showing that it truly remains a fascist state in the spirit of Franco and Rajoy plans to just seize Catalonia. Meanwhile, the Catalan citizens’ movement, Assemblea Nacional, is calling on all Catalans to withdraw all their money as much as possible from one of the five largest Spanish banks to increase pressure on Madrid, These […]

Macron’s Call to Federalize Europe

October 22, 2017

France’s President Emmanuel Macron is calling for a radical restructuring of the whole EU. Macron has presented his map for the EU into 2024. He is proposing that the Eurozone budget must include a joint force for military operations. Macron intends to finance this new budget with its tax – the “EU tax” he calls it. Macron has looked at […]

Has the OECD Been Told to Put Out Fake Opinions?

October 21, 2017

  They just don’t give up. Now the OECD is coming out telling Britain to have a new referendum and stay in the EU. They claim, without any evidence to back up one work, that they “believe” it will have a positive impact on the British economy. One really has to wonder if they have not […]

Europe’s Economic Death Spiral

October 17, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you said when you were here in Berlin that the EU Commission is about as incompetent as the US Congress. You also said Macron is trying to federalize Europe as the solution Could you elaborate on that comment? ANSWER: The EU Commission at present is composed of 28 Commissioners, who must always ensure […]

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