All posts in " European Union "

Spain Invades Barcelona & EU Shows Its Fascist Character

September 21, 2017

Spain has invaded Barcelona sending in an army of 16,500 as pretend riot police to effectively suppress and intimidate the people. Armed police have seized almost 10 million ballots for the referendum to shut down any democratic process showing the entire world that Spain is still fascist and that is really supported by Brussels. The […]

Catalonia Independence Vote October 1st

September 21, 2017

The Spanish government refuses to listen to anything from Catalonia  and announced it would intervene in Catalonia’s finances to ensure that “not one euro” of public money was used to fund the “illegal” vote. Meanwhile, the Spanish police arrested 13 people in the region of Catalonia and Madrid for their alleged involvement in planning a vote […]

EU Refuses to Honor Solidarity to Share Expenses of Refugees

September 5, 2017

The EU has been dictating to the member states but has failed to shoulder common costs for the refugee crisis they did not create. The EU denied Italy to subtract the cost of feeding refugees from their budget restrictions imposed by the EU. Now the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban called for a payment of […]

ECB – Draghi & Tapering

September 4, 2017

The European Central Bank (ECB) is expected to begin reducing its bond purchases gradually tampering its stimulation program of Quantitative Easing (QE). Nevertheless, reliable sources tell of the ECB being extremely cautious fearing what will happen if buyers do not appear and rates begin to rise sharply. The difference between the ECB and the Fed […]

Macron wants a Federal Budget for All of the Eurozone

September 3, 2017

French Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron is coming out arguing for the total federalization of Europe proposing that there should be a budget for the Eurozone of hundreds of billions of euros. Macron’s position is that this budget should represent several points of the gross domestic product (GDP) of the Eurozone. It should be possible, Macron said, to […]

Is the Stock Market Really Overvalued?

August 28, 2017

All we have been hearing since 2011 is how the stock market is going to crash and then there will be hyperinflation and all sorts of strange relationships that never materialize. They simply focus on the level of the stock market in nominal terms without adjusting it for inflation or showing how it has performed […]

The Overlooked Cost of Electric Cars by EU Gov’t

August 25, 2017

Governments first imposed taxes on alcohol and cigarettes under the claim that they were trying to make people stop for their own good. But as always, as the governments became addicted themselves to the tax revenue. Now they have taken the same theory and applied it to tax soft drinks in Philadelphia naturally because they care […]

Erdogan moving Turkey Closer to Dictatorship

August 2, 2017

Germany is now pushing the EU towards a much more tougher policy in its relations with Turkey as Erdogan moves the country even closer to a full-blown dictatorship. Erdogan has rejected democracy and the rule of law and since the strike of the Putsch, which is characterized by the dismissal of thousands of government officials, mass arrests […]

Our European Tour

July 31, 2017

Our European Tour this season has been very enlightening including meetings with politicians, corporations and many of the top banks. The concern centers around the ECB having to change policy with regard to negative interest rates. The net result has been to create massive hoarding of cash rather than spending cash for the sake of […]

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