All posts in " European Union "

Davos Exposing EU’s Date with Destiny

January 25, 2017

The European Parliament elected a new speaker last week in an unusually hotly contested vote that could strengthen Euroskeptic forces at a time when the EU faces Brexit and questions about its future role. Meanwhile, Europe’s leaders were going at each other’s throats in Davos as the dispute over how to stop the EU from collapsing […]

Draghi Admits EU May Breakup For First Time

January 25, 2017

For the first time, the head of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, has conceded the possibility that the EU may fall apart. Draghi came out and said that any member leaving the Eurozone would need to settle its claims or debts with the bloc’s payments system before severing ties. This statement reveals the heated […]

Germany’s Misreading of Economic History is the Doom of the EU

January 10, 2017

Angela Merkel and her party remain clueless about the economic history of Germany which has been made apparent through her insistence upon austerity that is tearing the EU apart at the seams. This is like blaming Trump for Hillary’s loss. Merkel’s belief that the quantity of money is the cause of inflation has been proven […]

The EU Precedent also Lies in the Athenian Empire

January 9, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your work on the euro from the nineties and how it would fail. Everything you laid out unfolded over the the subsequent 20 years. I assume you have discovered historical attempts to create a euro type system before aside from Napoleon. Can you point to any other references? HF ANSWER: History repeats […]

Europe Starting to Break Apart

December 14, 2016

You can tell that Europe is breaking apart because the EU has gone too far. EU President Jean-Claude Juncker has warned against attempts to undermine or dissolve the European Union. “Those who believe that it is time to divide, dismember and divide the EU into national divisions are completely wrong,” said Juncker in Maastricht, the Netherlands. Europe […]

McDonalds Leaves EU for Britain

December 12, 2016

The EU is just insane. They cannot comprehend how to run an economy. The abuse on taxation assessments in the EU has led to McDonalds relocating its international headquarters from Luxembourg to the UK. The U.S. fast food chain announced last week that a new holding company was being established in the UK, where most of […]

ECB To Extend its Bond Buying Program into End of 2017

December 10, 2016

Mario Draghi, extended the European Central Bank (ECB) $ 1.74 trillion bond purchase program to support the economy by nine months to at least the end of December 2017. This is far longer than most economists had expected. However, the monthly volume of currently €80 billion euros will drop to €60 billion euros from April 2017 […]

Renzi to Resign – Italy Follows the Global Trend – Votes NO

December 5, 2016

We are witnessing what a Private Wave is all about. The Italian Referendum came in on point with the NO vote at  59.4% against 40.6%. Our model is now four for four with BREXIT, Trump, Hollande in France exiting the election, and now Italy. We will see the same defeat for Merkel. What politicians do […]

Why Politics is So Important Right Now – Markets Depend On The Confidence

December 3, 2016

Our computer has been doing a fantastic job forecasting BREXIT, then Trump and that Hollande would not make the final round for elections in France. But why are these events even important? No it is not that Trump will save the day. He will perhaps help give the USA some breathing room. But the collapse […]

Hungary Cracks down on Syrian Refugees

December 1, 2016

Last July, Hungary’s polls showed that the people will NOT accept more refugees. Hungary’s Premier Viktor Orban was told his nation could be kicked out “forever” after “seriously” breaching basic values of the EU. He built a razor-wire fence along Hungary’s southern border to keep migrants out and even told Brussels to help Christian refugees before Muslims. He […]

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