All posts in " European Union "

Open Letter to the Guardian

May 30, 2016

(feel free to forward this article to everyone) The Guardian headline is supporting government propaganda that 9 out of 10 economists warn of a dire future if Britain exits the EU. For a newspaper who published Snowden, I would expect a lot more integrity on this issue. The Guardian is reporting propaganda on a grand […]

Cameron getting Mainstream Media to Brainwash People

May 30, 2016

There are serious concerns arising in Britain how the mainstream media is on board on betraying the people at the request of the government. The press has been given the word  to convince the people to surrender all their rights in Britain to save the bureaucrats in Brussels. The Telegraph newspaper has been using a different polling […]

EU Passed Tax ID Numbers for Everyone

May 29, 2016

The EU is laying the groundwork for everyone in Europe to be given a new tax ID number in preparation for moving to electronic money. They are using a National Insurance number pretense to disguise the real objective. This scheme was passed by the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee last week. This is another step in […]


May 29, 2016

COMMENT: Dear Mr Armstrong, I have studied in Britain for a year as Erasmus (EU scholarship) student. The English students that go and study in Sweden do not have pay tuition as EU members but  if they go and study like I did as Erasmus students for a year they still have to pay fees […]

Third Parties Rising Throughout Europe

May 28, 2016

This is what happens when politicians think they are smarter than the great unwashed whom they rule over. They lack common sense on every possible level. The rise of third parties is a reality and our computer has been spot on with this forecast for 2016. It accomplished this forecast by simply doing what government […]

Will Britain Stay or Go?

May 26, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, what do you think the British will do? Stay or go? Will you be here for the vote? ANSWER: I will be there. It looks more like urgent meetings forming after the vote; not before. I would say that the odds of a BREXIT vote to leave are not looking good. It […]

France Socialist Trade Unions Refusing to Reform – Civil Unrest Erupting

May 26, 2016

Our sources in France are unanimously warning that a major socialist union uprising is building in France and could erupt rapidly. The unions in France are notorious for being the most socialist, highly Marxist, in the entire world. To get their demands, they will go anything. They even kidnapped the head of Goodyear until he […]

BREXIT: What Would Happen to Brits Living in EU?

May 23, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; The scaremongering going on here is claiming that if BREXIT becomes reality, we will be thrown out of Europe and have to pay massively for healthcare outside of Britain. Do you have any information on this? Thank you A former neighbor DS ANSWER: There is something most Europeans are clueless about. The […]

Austrian Elections Today

May 22, 2016

The people who counted the votes are claiming that the Austrian election is in a dead heat. Norbert Hofer of the Freedom Party and Alexander Van der Bellen are each on 50%, according to the estimate, which includes postal votes not yet counted. The pools really put Hofer ahead, so there may be some voting counting issues […]

German Polls Show 2/3 Have Had Enough of Merkel

May 17, 2016

The lastest polls show that 2/3 of the German population have had enough of Merkel. I have warned that 2017 is the political year from hell. We have the BREXIT this June, the USA presidential election (Trump v Hillary), Holland in France, and Merkel in Germany. These are the four big elections we have to pay […]

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