All posts in " European Union "

EU Conducts Military Exercises Based on Civil War Theories

April 29, 2016

It’s coming. About 600 European police units and members of the military have carried out assault exercises intended to crackdown on civil unrest in Germany and other EU countries. The scenarios under which they are carrying out these exercises are based upon civil war-like conditions. Instead of reforms, they are digging in their heels for a fight. […]

Freedom Party Wins First Round in Austria’s Presidential Elections

April 25, 2016

  Merkel’s invitation to Muslims to come to Europe without limitation has destroyed the very fabric of Europe. Now, Austria’s Freedom Party, an anti-Europe and anti-immigration far-right political party, won more than a third of the vote in the presidential election on Sunday. This should be no surprise. Norbert Hofer will now face an independent […]

Obama: Brits Should Get to the “Back of the Queque” if They Leave the EU

April 24, 2016

Obama went to London at the request of David Cameron and the EU Parliament. Obama joined the scare tactics in an attempt to frighten the British into giving up their sovereignty to Brussels. He used the TTIP trade deal, which the French want to block, and said the agreement is why the Brits should stay in the EU. […]

Draghi at War with Reason & Other Central Banks

April 22, 2016

Tensions are starting to rise between Germany and the ECB because Draghi will not admit his negative interest rates are causing an economic meltdown. “We continue to expect them (interest rates) to remain at present or lower levels for an extended period of time, and well past the horizon of our net asset purchases.” Draghi is absolutely […]

ECB & Helicopter Money

April 21, 2016

So-called helicopter money involves using a central bank’s power to create money to directly inject funds either into government coffers or straight into the pockets of the public. Yet, nothing has been working and the ECB is now stating that they will continue to buy in debt, but they will also buy corporate debt. On […]


April 21, 2016

  There is talk that Obama may go to Britain to express support for Cameron’s position on Britain remaining in the EU, even though it will surrender its sovereignty to do so. The USA would NEVER agree to such terms itself. How could anyone tell Britain to surrender its very soul to the insanity of […]

66% Of German People Against Merkel

April 19, 2016

According to a recent poll, 66% of Germans are now against Merkel. As it now stands, if the election were today, she would find perhaps the lowest number of votes of any world leader. It is now impacting everything as vacation spots are seen as possible targets, especially in Spain and France where there is […]

Refugees Take Over Paris Metro

April 19, 2016

Europe is being torn apart from the inside. In Paris, the metro station is turning into a slum and war zone. School gyms in Germany have been turned into dorms for migrants and many kids have lost sports as a result. This has turned everything just completely nuts. I have been told that many people […]

How Politicians Justify Denying the People the Right to Vote

April 11, 2016

In the wake of the Dutch vote against allowing Ukraine into the EU, SPIEGEL has reported on the arrogance of EU ministers who criticize the people’s ability to vote. This is why I say they regard the people as the Great Unwashed who are simply beneath their level of intelligence. The leader of the Greens in […]

Call for Cameron to Resign over Panama Papers

April 11, 2016

The revelation that David Cameron’s father had offshore accounts through Panama has continued to plague Cameron and could create a nudge toward the tipping point come the BREXIT vote in June. “I know that I should have handled this better, I could have handled this better. I know there are lessons to learn and I will […]

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