All posts in " France "

French Politics are Turning Ahead of 2017

January 13, 2016

Comment: [Here is] a poll that may be of some interest to you. It says that the National Front is now enjoying a massive support among police and armed forces in France. It reaches now 51.5%. Back in 2012, it was 30%. … →

Le Pen Vows: “Nothing Can Stop Us”

December 15, 2015

Marine Le Pen and her Front National (FN) Party did not win the Sunday elections. She replied: “Nothing can stop us.” Indeed, the cyclical trend in politics will turn ever more nationalistic as the EU continues to crumble from within. Le … →

The French to Surrender ALL Rights?

December 7, 2015

The French newspaper LeMonde has reported from leaked documents just how much the Hollande government wants to repeal the Constitution. Under this state of emergency, Hollande wants to allow “searches of vehicles and luggage without the consent of individuals…identity checks…without the need … →

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