All posts in " Germany "

Germany Pensions System Crisis

July 10, 2017

The German publication DWN has come out and warned that the German Pensions system is collapsing. They wrote: The core problem of the German economy and society is miserable demography. A positive development, namely the increasing longevity of the population, is an extremely negative groundbreaking, namely a small number of children. This is reflected in […]

Freedom of Speech Comes to an End in Germany

July 3, 2017

  The most anti-democratic law perhaps ever to pass any western government just passed in the German Bundestag last week. Even the opposition Social Democratic Party (SPD) votes to suppress free speech and it is all geared to end criticism of government. This new law obligates the operators of social networks to block off anything that […]

Merkel to Confront Trump at G20 On Climate

July 3, 2017

Germany’s Chancellor Merkel is determined to create problems at the upcoming G20 meeting in Hamburg July 7-8. She is a brainwashed climate supporter who has refused to listen to over 31,000 scientists who have joined together against this Global Warming fraud. The Paris climate meeting refused to allow anyone to speak in opposition. They have […]

Does Schäuble want Draghi to Exit the Stage Once & For All?

April 26, 2017

Federal Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble of Germany is starting to show signs of rebellion against the elite in Brussels. With the event of BREXIT, the EU is more concerned about trying to punish Britain than they are in reflecting upon what is going so terribly wrong. They will throw their support behind Macron in […]

Germany Building Free Housing for Refugees worth 3 million

April 15, 2017

In Germany, Martin Schultz wants to give refugees the right to vote. So if he cannot win with Germans, he wants to give the right to vote to refugees to win by bribing them. The German politicians are now giving them apartments they are constructing that cost about €3 million each. The construction costs actually come out […]

UK & Germans Did Intercept Trump’s Phone Calls with Russia

April 14, 2017

After denying that British and other European intelligence agencies have intercepted communications between Donald Trump’s staff and Russian citizens and other Russian citizens during the campaign, the truth has come out that they did exactly that. The Guardian, which has also been extremely anti-Trump, reported: “Britain’s spy agencies played a crucial role in alerting their […]

Face of the AfD in Germany Looks to Resign

April 1, 2017

Frauke Petry, the face of the AfD in Germany, is apparently thinking about resigning from politics. She has stated publicly: “Neither the politics nor the AfD are alternative for me.” The 41-year-old politician spoke of an “enormous expenditure of force” and the “farewell to a regular life” being in politics. The polls at the end of […]

All Eyes on Greece

February 15, 2017

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has completely failed the Greek people. He was elected to exit the EU but instead he has wiped out his country trying to stay in the Eurozone. Pensions have been attacked 11 times since the crisis began in 2010. The very day Greece asked the IMF for help was precisely on […]

Is Merkel Just Out of Her Mind?

February 11, 2017

Angela Merkel of the Christian Democratic Union has refused to surrender to the Bavarian Christian Social Union (CSU)’s demand for an upper limit for newly arriving refugees after the Bundestag election. “I do not intend to change the position here.” When asked if she would be willing to accept the break in the Union’s parliamentary group […]

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