All posts in " Government Debt "

Bankers & Interest

May 31, 2024

The history of interest rates is provided on this site. Interest rates in a developed economy reflect the “option” value on the expected decline in purchasing power of money. If I expect it to decline by 5%, then I expect a profit, and say want 8%. You in turn will pay the 8% only if […]

Paper Bonds – Another Strike Against Govt Debt

April 11, 2024

The US Treasury stopped issuing paper savings bonds in January 2012, switching to online platforms. There is a slight exception where a paper Series I may be purchased with proceeds from a federal income tax refund, but they are extremely rare. What they failed to explain is that US banks are NOT required to cash […]

The US Government’s Plan for Social Security

March 26, 2024

When questioned about the future of Social Security by the Senate Finance Committee, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admitted that Biden “doesn’t have a plan.” There could be no possible plan for an ongoing Ponzi scheme that will fail once the fund runs out of money. Estimates believe Social Security will reach insolvency before 2034. “I […]

70% of American Cities in Debt – Pension Crisis will Cause Taxes to RISE

February 23, 2024

A study by Truth in Accounting (TIA) revealed that 70% of America’s largest cities fell into a deficit in fiscal year 2022. Out of the 75 cities studied, 53 simply did not have the funds to pay their bills. The study found that the total debt among the 75 cities had reached $288 billion, and […]

Why We Should Not Blame the Federal Reserve

January 10, 2024

One piece of analysis commonly misconstrued is the Federal Reserve’s role in the nation’s economic health. Even those who have the ability to piece together other variables that often go unnoticed commonly point their finger at the Federal Reserve. No one is factoring in the largest driver of inflation – WAR – nor are they […]

Bidenomics FAILED

December 14, 2023

Government officials do not understand why Americans are disappointed with Bidenomics. Biden’s own team did not realize the term “Bidenomics” was intended to mock the president’s policies and they have adopted it as their own. “Bidenomics is about growing the economy from the middle out and the bottom up, not the top down,” Joe Biden […]

Who Earns the Money from Government Debt?

October 21, 2019

QUESTION: Would you please explain exactly what government debt is and who receives the interest payment that governments make on borrowings? I thought that Governments borrowed from their respective central banks and paid the central bank interest on the debt. I never understood why a government would have to pay any interest. My brother tells […]

Debt & the Point of No Return

April 2, 2019

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; First I want to thank you for coming to Europe this year. It has been some time since your Berlin Conference. My question is simple. How can the ECB tell countries to reduce their debt when as you say nobody ever pays off the debt? Is this just fantasy or do they really […]

Our Flawed Monetary System & Why it is Doomed

March 26, 2019

QUESTION: You mentioned that Rome had no national debt and no central bank. Exactly how did it function for 1,000 years? JY ANSWER: In addition to not having a national debt or a central bank, Rome had no police force or agency charged with enforcing the law. There were specific crimes against the state that would […]

New York City Heading for Bankruptcy

March 22, 2019

There are New York politicians who continually try to force socialism upon society so a few can live off of other people’s money. The problem is that capital can flee, as we have just witnessed with Amazon bailing out of New York City. Then we have AOC calling it a victory for the little people […]

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