All posts in " Great Reset "

Canada’s Population Explodes Surpassing 41 Million

June 24, 2024

Canada’s population has surpassed 41 million, but it is not due to new births. Statistics Canada declared that the population rose 0.6% or 242,673 people since last quarter, standing at 41,012.563 as of April 2024. The nation rose by 1.27 from 2022 to 2023 or a 3.2%. . Nearly all population growth (99.3%; 240,955 people) […]

“Free Palestine” is Not a Woke Movement

June 24, 2024

Liberals everywhere have been trying to combine Pride month with Islamic causes such as the free Palestine movement. There have been instances across the UK, Canada, the US, and all of the West where pro-LGBTQ protestors have been assaulted when attempting to join Palestinian protests. The woke justice warriors glue themselves to every social cause […]

Gas Stove Warning Labels

June 19, 2024

Coming to a blue state near you, legislators would like to slap warning labels on gas-powered stoves. What is the warning? Lawmakers say that consumers should be aware that gas stoves release toxic fumes and are harmful to the environment. California, Illinois, and New York have all agreed to include labels that state gas stoves […]

Teachers have More Power Than Parents in California

June 18, 2024

Kids throughout California have been celebrating Pride month in the classroom in honor of the LGBTQ+? community, and while love is not wrong, why are we discussing sexual topics with children? Why are sexuality and gender such major speaking points for the far left progressives? California continues to take steps to revoke parental rights in […]

UK Requires Residents to Register Chickens – War on Farming

June 14, 2024

The Great Reset requires those in power to usurp our ability to farm and cultivate our own food. What better way to control the masses than to have complete control on their ability to survive. The World Economic Forum has proposed a ban on farming, a ban on gardening, and bans on any attempt to […]

IMF Digital Currency to Replace the Dollar

June 14, 2024

  Years ago, when I wrote that Bitcoin was created by the NSA, some Bitcoiners attacked me and insisted that Satoshi Nakamoto was the creator of Bitcoin.  Yet someone who created such a product never stepped forward and would have been a billionaire on royalties. But this fictional character was not much different than Lee […]

Build-to-Rent Communities Grow in Popularity

June 7, 2024

You will own nothing. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) have grown in popularity in recent years. America has recently imported a concept stemming from across the pond in the UK to pacify housing fears. Build-to-rent (BTR) communities are becoming a common development as the majority of Americans struggle to either afford or find housing. Around 23% […]

Revelations – Are We In The End Days? 1,000-Year Cycle

May 17, 2024

Various cultures and religions have been concerned about the end of time looming throughout history. Aethelred II (978-1016 AD) was so convinced the world was about to end in 1000 AD that he removed his portrait from the coinage and placed the Christian symbol of the lamb on it. The world did not end, and […]

Indefinite Weekend Driving Ban in Germany?

May 9, 2024

Germany is moving full speed ahead to reach their asinine climate targets. The citizens who are in essence the very carbon they wish to destroy must be punished for not sacrificing enough to uphold Angela Merkel’s Climate Protection Act. Transport Minister Volker Wissing is now threatening the German people with “an indefinite weekend driving ban.” […]

Did the House Ban the New Testament?

May 7, 2024

As a Christian, I believe the gospel in full, every letter. The gospel says Jesus, a Jewish man – son of God – messiah, was handed over to be crucified (killed) by the chief priest, the elders, and the Jewish crowd which was prophesied in Isaiah 53. And the gospel also says,… — Rep. […]

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