All posts in " Great Reset "

DeSantis Bans Lab-Grown Meat

May 6, 2024

Now more than ever it is the duty of the state, not the federal government, to protect its citizens. Ron DeSantis signed a new bill in an effort to save Florida’s agriculture and cattle industry, and possibly a boost to the leisure and hospitality sector as well. S.B. 1084 will prohibit companies attempting to “manufacture […]

Global Taxation – Proposal to Fight Climate Change and Poverty

April 25, 2024

Finance ministers from France and Brazil are urging the G20 to implement a minimum 2% tax on billionaires in an effort to fight climate change and poverty. Everyone cheers when the suggestion is to tax someone else, but feigns shock when the rules expand and everyone experiences rising taxation. Global collaborative efforts such as war […]

Banks Wage War on Gun Ownership

April 24, 2024

The government has successfully weaponized the banks against the people. Major banks are voluntarily sharing customers’ private transactions with the federal government “as part of a wildly overbroad financial surveillance scheme intended to identify domestic terrorists,” a group of attorneys general wrote in a letter to Bank of America in regards to discrimination against Christian […]

Lighting Your Fireplace will Be a $500 Fine for CO2 Police

April 23, 2024   I remember that growing up, my parents would light the fire on Christmas. We would listen to Christmas music and snuggle up in front of the fire. Now, if you light a fire, you are destroying the planet, and that is grounds to fine you. I suppose if your house burns down, insurance […]

Predictive Programming from 30 Years Ago

April 22, 2024

When they tell us things such as, “You will own nothing,” we scoff and dismiss them. They are always placing the truth in plain sight. Did they have this technology all along?   A reader sent me the image above of an advertisement published in a magazine over 30 years ago. A basic EV does […]

Republicans v the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency

April 18, 2024

The federal US government insists 60% of all new car production must be electric by 2030 – six years away. I have explained numerous times how this is unsustainable for US infrastructure, the private sector, and the average American consumer. Now, 13 Republican-led states are taking the federal government to the US Court of Appeals […]

Insurance Companies Planning for Climate Lockdowns

April 12, 2024

Some insurance companies are altering their policies for corporations and business interruptions, which seems to be in anticipation of government lockdowns for climate change under the label “weather events.” The government seems to be preparing for new lockdowns under the pretense of climate change this summer.  It appears that they are preparing to restrict travel […]

EU Court Rules that Women are Disproportionately Harmed by Climate Change   

April 10, 2024

Over 2,000 women from Switzerland filed a case through the European Court of Human Rights after claiming that a lack of climate change regulations has disproportionately harmed their gender.  This is the third climate-related case brought to the high court. Six young women from Portugal sued for similar reasons, as did a former mayor in […]

Guaranteed Basic Income Pilot Program for Transexuals

April 9, 2024

San Francisco is launching a guaranteed basic income pilot program for transexuals. These individuals are capable of working, but the woke government believes that others should provide them with free money for simply existing. San Francisco’s Guaranteed Income for Trans People (GIFT) program will provide 55 individuals a monthly payment of $1,200 for simply being […]

ADUs Destroying Community

April 5, 2024

Comment: Thank you Martin Armstrong to take time to write on 15 min cities and accessory dwelling units or the ADUs. I must reach out and ask you to share my personal story on how ADU is destroying my once charming neighborhood. I believe everyone should have access to shelter, and I do not want […]

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