All posts in " Humor "

Government Can Be Useful Sometimes!

March 16, 2019

A mafia guy from Jersey was in prison, and his father told him he was getting too old to till the soil to grow Jersey tomatoes. The next time he was on the phone with his father from prison, he told him not to dig in the garden because he might not like what is […]

Medical Professionals’ View of Brexit

February 9, 2019

Physicians were unable to reach a consensus on whether or not Brexit should take place. The Allergists were in favor of scratching it, but the Dermatologists advised not to make any rash moves. The Gastroenterologists had sort of a gut feeling about it, but the Neurologists thought the Brexiters had a lot of nerve.  Meanwhile, […]

Letter from Queen Elizabeth II to the American People

November 3, 2016

To the citizens of the United States of America from Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II:   In light of your tendency to propose uncivilized people for public office who masquerade as the leader of the world, and thus your tendency to elect completely incompetent Presidents who then want to rule the world when you […]

The Presidential Debate – SNL Version

October 4, 2016

  Saturday Night Live did a great skit on the presidential debate that is probably closer to our choices than what mainstream media will ever portray.

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