All posts in " Interest Rates "

Source for the History of Interest Rates

February 8, 2018

QUESTION: Hello Martin: I was quoting you while speaking to a friend from a similar recent post where you stated that interest rates were at 5,000-year lows. They asked me where you got data going back 5,000 years and of course, I was at a loss to explain. So my question is: does such actual […]

The Yield Curve

January 25, 2018

QUESTION: At the Institutional WEC session in 2016, you forecast that rates would rise but that the long-end would produce a positive yield for the next two years at least. Are we coming to an end of that forecast? ANSWER: The new Institutional service is being expanded currently. Our hedging model positions have been added […]

Denmark Central Warns Next Financial Crisis is Coming

December 5, 2017

The Danish Central Bank has come out to warn that there is another financial crisis ahead. The central bank identified several indicators that point to growing risks from its analysis perspective. It is recommending that the banks in Denmark begin to raise their capital risk buffer. The primary concern centers on household credit where banks have lent […]

ECB Negative Rate Experiment May Lead to the Worst Financial Crisis in Modern History

September 27, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your proposition that the quantity of money theory is dead seems to be a true earth shattering perspective. It certainly disproves the Austrian School and the events post 2008 support your statement. The European Central Bank is supposed to traditionally pursue the goal of monetary stability. The Germans have followed the Austrian […]

Rogoff Tells Central Banks More Negative Interest Rates Will Be Needed

August 19, 2017

Kenneth Rogoff,  the Professor of Economics at Harvard University, is stuck in a time warp where he cannot think out of the box even once. He is telling the central banks that the next recession they will have to resort to negative interest rates and they should prepare now. Despite the fact that negative rates have […]

Bonds & Stocks Rally – What’s Going On?

June 4, 2017

This coming week is what we would call in horse racing a trifecta with former FBI director James Comey’s testimony, the U.K. election, and the ECB monetary-policy meeting. Then our capital flow models seem to be picking up European buying of both US shares and bonds taking advantage of a rally in the Euro. The […]

Interest Rates Up & Bonds Up?

May 26, 2017

While the Fed may be raising rates, there is still a flight to quality underway that is giving a bid to US Treasury issues. Low Treasury yields may remain the norm even if the Federal Reserve raises rates again. At about 2.25%, 10-year yields have dropped to 2017 lows, even with the central bank signaling an […]

New Argument to Raise Rates – Rent Inflation!

May 24, 2017

There are those in the Fed who are desperate to find an excuse to raise interest rates. The one being bantered about is the Fed needs to raise rates to help the poor. Yes – you heard correctly. To protect the poorest Americans, the argument is that the Fed needs to raise interest rates faster […]

The End of Quantitative Easing – Perhaps Now It Will Be Inflationary?

April 20, 2017

One of the greatest monetary experiments in financial history has been the global central bank buying of government debt. This has been touted as a form of “money printing” that was supposed to produce hyperinflation, which never materialized as predicted by the perpetual pessimists. Nevertheless, the total amount of Quantitative Easing (QE) adding up the […]

The Fed Raises Interest Rates & Markets Rally!

March 16, 2017

The stock market, gold, silver, and oil all rallied when the Federal Reserve delivered the widely expected increase in its benchmark interest rate on Wednesday, the Ides of March. It said that the domestic economy remained on a path of slow and steady growth. In a statement the Fed said that the United States economy […]

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