All posts in " Israel "

Israel’s Credit Rating Dips for First Time

February 13, 2024

Our Global Market Watch cautioned that Israel was at risk of a monthly decline in February. For the first time in the nation’s history, Moody’s has downgraded Israel’s credit score amid the war in Palestine. Israel has seen numerous conflicts over the years such as the Second Intifada or war with Hezbollah, and even then […]

Intel Invests $25 Billion in Israeli Manufacturing

December 27, 2023

Israel cannot lose the war. It is a vassal state created and funded by the West. Palestine’s allies simply cannot defeat the nations who have big plans for the future of Israel. We know about the nuclear power plant in Israel installed by the West to gain a stronghold on the Middle East. We know […]

The Ben Gurion Canal Project – Declassified Documents Reveal Truth

November 10, 2023

  The US and Israel have been discussing plans to build a canal to rival the Suez Canal for over 50 years. We must look at recent history to see the motives for the war occurring today. Around 20% of all world trade moves through the Suez Canal, which is controlled by Egypt. The Suez […]

Pro-Palistinian Protests

November 8, 2023

QUESTION: Well, you projected a Middle East war two years ago. Do you see this escalating to the entire region? HGW ANSWER: You are witnessing pro-Palestinian protests on a grand scale. They are applying so much pressure; even Obama is distancing himself from Biden, and there are Democrats starting to push for him to withdraw […]

Israel Shoots Down the First Missile in Space

November 6, 2023

Israel has just made an important step in warfare. Their Arrow missile-defense system has shot down a ballistic missile outside of Earth’s atmosphere, which is the first time warfare has taken place in space. This was an Iranian missile launched from Yemen by the Iran-backed Houthis, who have declared war on Israel.  This missile traveled […]

Biden: If There Were Not An Israel We’d Have to Invent One

October 27, 2023

For those wondering if the US is using Israel as a vassal state, simply look at what President Biden has been spewing since the 80s. “If there were not an Israel, we’d have to invent one,” Biden first said during a Senate session in 1986 after sending Israel $3 billion. Straight from the horse’s mouth, […]

Did Socrates Forecast The Israeli Invasion?

October 26, 2023

  QUESTION: Socrates appears to have picked the Hamas Attack. There was a double Directional change on the currency for the week of October 2nd and then two more directional changes for the following two weeks. There are rumors that people knew it was coming and were buying Northrop Gruman shares the week before. Am […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Oil Reserves in Palestine & Golan Heights

October 23, 2023

PRIVATE BLOG – Oil Reserves in Palestine & Golan Heights Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

PRIVATE BLOG – Is Israel Being Drawn in to a Trap?

October 23, 2023

PRIVATE BLOG – Is Israel Being Drawn in to a Trap? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

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