All posts in " Migrant Crisis "

England No Longer a Christian Nation

December 19, 2023

European nations were once Christian nations before the demonization of Christianity and traditional values among Anglo-Saxons. The migrant crisis has permanently changed the religious landscape of Europe. In the United Kingdom, for example, Islam is the second-largest religion. In fact, Muhammad was the most popular name for baby boys born in the UK in 2023. […]

New York to Provide Homeless Migrants Voter Registration Forms

December 6, 2023

The deliberate invasion of America was permitted by the same people who want to give illegals the opportunity to vote. Nonprofit shelters will be required to provide non-citizens with paperwork to register to vote in upcoming elections, and New York has stipulated that the paperwork must be available in Spanish as well as Chinese. Staten […]

Irish Patriotism is “Far-Right Extremism” – European Race Riots

November 28, 2023

The Irish are no strangers to battling those occupying their lands. This time, the European Union and Irish government permitted a mass influx of migrants into the country. Then Ireland granted those migrants the right to vote in elections. Increased foreign nationals, misaligned traditions and morals, followed by the deaths of numerous citizens has led […]

Migrants Disappointed in America

November 16, 2023

Those who were not told to enter America but actually fled here for a better life are now realizing that the American Dream died long ago. The Chicago Tribune interviewed a man from Venezuela who said he’d prefer sleeping on the streets of his original socialistic hell than ours.  “The American Dream doesn’t exist anymore,” […]

Migrants Imploding Welfare State

November 14, 2023

People are coming to America for a better life at your expense. The excuse that migrants came here to work and contribute to our society does not match the statistics. As the NY Post recently reported, only 2% of 139,500 migrants in New York have applied for work permits, and thousands more are on their […]

Mass Deportations from Pakistan

November 3, 2023

European nations are not the only ones expelling foreigners from their borders. This has become a global contagion where nations are waking up and realizing they are no longer safe. Calls for jihad have caused even Muslim nations to question the motives of specific groups. Pakistan is now asking thousands of Afghans to leave. Most […]

Nordic Countries Promise Mass Deportations

November 2, 2023

Religious zealots have come out in full force in recent weeks. European nations are now realizing that they made a grave mistake by opening their doors to countless migrants who do not share the same culture or values. Reuters reported that Nordic governments are now planning to deport immigrants who have not established legal residence. […]

Golden Passports

October 24, 2023

The European Union (EU) has a new excuse to tighten travel restrictions. The European Commission published a report claiming five Caribbean states have sold “golden passports” citizenship to 88,000 individuals from around the globe, including China, Iran, and Russia. “Investor citizenship schemes (or citizenship-by-investment programmes, also commonly referred to as “golden passports”) run by third […]

Kissinger: Allowing Migrants in Europe was a Grave Mistake

October 18, 2023

Where will the displaced people go when their homes are destroyed during this senseless war? No Arab nation has offered to take in Palestinian refugees. They fear the US and West knocking on their door too as the enemy hides behind the civilians. Henry Kissinger recently came out and said that Europe made a “grave […]

Biden Strands Americans Abroad – Requires Them to Take out Loan to Leave Israel

October 17, 2023

This is yet another shocking example of the state stepping up when the federal government falls short. Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis is organizing numerous flights to bring home Americans who were abandoned in Israel by the Biden Administration. DeSantis welcomed home 270 people in Tampa over the weekend who otherwise would have been stuck sitting […]

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