All posts in " Money "

All Money is Backed Even Today!

September 20, 2019

QUESTION:  Hi AE, et al. Your blogs not only inform, but are actually entertaining as they give most of us a point of view we’ve never before contemplated. My question….you have stated numerous times that one of the reasons the Roman government survived for 100’s of years is because they simply created currency, as needed, […]

Cryptocurrency & the Race for Money

January 19, 2018

QUESTION: You have talked about bitcoin and are rightly skeptical as we all should be, yet creative destruction rolls on. What insights do you have to share about the Dapps and Ethereum? In reading your blog for several years now you have truly opened many peoples minds. Thank you for your insight! KS ANSWER: If […]

The Difference Between Money & Currency

May 19, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, there appears to be a dispute between what is money and what is a currency. Can you define each easily? Thank you LW ANSWER: “Currency” is an official monetary instrument used in commerce. Currency must be “legal tender,” which means the government will accept it in payment for taxes. “Money” is a much […]