All posts in " Neocons "

Neocon Always Lose – But They Are Never Down for the Count

April 2, 2023

QUESTION: Marty, I am really in shock. You put out the Ukrainian Model and stated in your March 6, 2022 post a year ago: “I have warned that our Model of Ukraine was turning down as of January 6th, 2022. However, in addition to this, we are approaching also the 31.4 years (Pi Cycle) which […]

US Sent 365 Attack Craft to Confront Russia

March 31, 2023

  QUESTION: Marty; It looks like NATO is preparing to invade Russia. What the hell is going on? HR ANSWER: That may be old footage. It is squadron 365, not 365 planes. Nevertheless, the US is preparing troops for Europe. As I have explained, the Neocons are in full control of US foreign policy. They […]

Why America Will Lose this War As every one Since WWII

March 30, 2023

A number of people have asked why does Socrates say that the United States will lose this war. One states: “The standalone American firepower without UK/ France, etc, itself is tremendous. How does Socrates say that America will lose the war? It may lose financially. The Chinese have the worst track record in any war.” […]

We Are in the COMPLEXITY & The Collapse of International Law

March 18, 2023   We are in the middle of a convergence of so many crises it is hard to keep track. The SWAMP in Washington has always been out of control. There is even a bill being introduced to make it illegal for congressmen and their spouses or family members to be trading on inside information. […]

What Reagan Would NOT Do

March 17, 2023

America should violate international law to begin World War III, or as Senator Lindsey Graham worded it: “We should hold [Russia] accountable and say that if you ever get near another U.S. asset flying in international waters, your airplane would be shot down.” Graham suggested last year that we simply assassinate President Putin, so this […]

Potential GOP Presidential Candidates – Spot the Neocons

March 16, 2023

Can you spot the Neocons? Trump and Biden seem to be alone amongst GOP members in their desire to end America’s role in the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Trump said he would end the conflict within 24 hours, while DeSantis said Ukraine is not a vital national interest. Trump has already been attacked for merely existing, but […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Neocons – Part III

March 12, 2023

PRIVATE BLOG – Neocons – Part III Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit The post PRIVATE BLOG – Neocons – Part III first appeared on Armstrong Economics.

Robert Kagan-ovich of Russia

March 8, 2023

COMMENT: Lazar Kagan-ovich, Starved 6 million people in Ukraine and was the great-grandfather of Robert Kagan, the name came up at It’s my suspicion, and I thought I would pass that on, I searched this when you wrote the article about the movie of the NYT journalist in Russia. in the 1930s I read […]

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