All posts in " Precious Metals "

Repetitive Patterns in the Money Supply – Will Coins Become Extinct?

March 15, 2018

Inflation over time raises the cost of raw metal and we see that such coins vanish from the money supply. Britain is the latest in line to eliminate the 1 & 2 pence coins. They are costing more to produce than they are worth. I have written about the monetary reform Act of 1857 when […]

Lithium – the new White Gold

November 18, 2017

Lithium is known as “white gold” since electric cars require a lot of batteries. This has resulted in transforming the metal into a valuable and sought-after commodity. The demand keeps rising as there is a need for energy storage that can only be produced if lithium is available in sufficient quantities. The price has soared from $1,550 […]

When Bronze is Worth More than Gold and Silver

May 27, 2016

An ancient Roman shipwreck has been discovered in the port of ancient Caesarea, located in Israel. The ship was full of bronze statues and coins that were destined to be melted down. The coins are from Constantine (309-337AD) and Licinius (308-324 AD). The typical bronze Follis of this period weighed 6.5 grams on average. By the end […]

Who is the Bigger Manipulator of All Time?

April 20, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have stood up against the bankers for their manipulations when nobody else would do so and paid the price that these people who hate you never acknowledge. They even made a movie about you for standing up to these bankers yet these goldbugs do hate you for exposing their rantings. If […]

Selling Bullshit

April 19, 2016

COMMENT: Marty; This is really going to be interesting now that banks are existing proprietary trading and the organizations who have spun this tale that the metals are not substantially higher because they are manipulated will have nobody to blame. What will they say if the metals collapse? They are really ignorant since they see […]

Video Gold Update Will be Next Week

April 19, 2016

Those who purchased this year’s 2016 Gold Report will receive the second video next week. This video will include gold and silver. Those interested in purchasing the 2016 Gold Report may do so now.

2016 Gold Report Goes Out Today

March 9, 2016

  This year’s report will not be part of the WEC Materials. We are looking to hold the next WEC conference after the presidential elections. Part II of this report will include all the metals, such as gold, platinum, palladium, copper, along with silver. We will also do the precious metals in the various currencies. […]

Precious Metals March 4th, 2016

March 4, 2016

Of course, the gold promoters are declaring this is a new bull market. Should we expect anything else? They do not address why silver is not responding and the ratio continues to rise. But what the heck. No sense in looking at anything else that might contradict the dream. Gold has to close above the […]

Moody’s Warns of 30% Rise in Commodity Based Company Bankruptcies in 2016

March 2, 2016

The commodity industry is bracing for a high year of bankruptcy and default filings that will impact mining and metals along with oil and gas. Moody’s has also warned of global speculative-grade corporate defaults that will increase by more than 30% in 2016, reaching the highest level since 2009. Those interested in mining shares should […]

Precious Metals Report for 2016 – Update on Status

February 28, 2016

We are putting the finishing touches on part I of the “2016 Gold Report.” This year, we will be adding a video. I will be shooting this coming Thursday. We will be addressing the ratios for silver, platinum, palladium, and copper. We will post the video when the report is available for purchase. I hope […]

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