All posts in " Reports and DVDs "

Quantities of Books Are Available for Universities Now

June 7, 2024

We have been surprised at the requests from Universities asking for the quantity of our books for students. We have a special subsidized arrangement available since we offer this service as a public service. We do not even sell advertising on this site to keep it open to the public worldwide. Those seeking to buy […]

The 2020 Coup – Will they Do It Again in 2024?

May 21, 2024

$10 How the 2020 Election Was Really Rigged – Will 2024 be a Repeat? This is a special investigation into the truth behind the rigging of the 2020 election that has nothing to do with voting machines and double counting. That gets you nowhere, and it was a master distraction from the core of everything […]

The 2024 Outlook Report

February 7, 2024

Price for Download $400 The 2024 Outlook Report provides a wealth of forecasts for 2024 with both Yearly and Monthly timing arrays of the three US share market indices, US 30-year bonds, Gold, Crude Oil, the Euro, DAX, the British pound, FTSE100., Norway currency & share market, and Japan with both the currency and share […]

Coming Reports – CBDCs & 2024 Outlook

January 22, 2024

A lot of people have been asking when this report will go out. I am working as hard as I can on this because it also involves a Constitutional Challenge that they know about and are trying to deal with, or else the Supreme Court will go nuts. First, I have to finish the 2024 […]

Special Report – the Next Jihad

October 9, 2023

Not everything is as it may appear. Are we looking at a Middle East version of 9/11?  This time, it is significantly different. Our computer is projecting a Middle East War, as we have laid out over the past several years, and 2023 was the target for the rise in volatility throughout this region. This […]

Modern Analysis for the 21st Century

August 5, 2023

QUESTION: Hello Martin. I’ve been a long-time follower and one of the first subscribers to Socrates “Basic.” Your information is always valuable! I’d classify myself as a retired, middle class fellow, who has put away enough funds to be comfortable. But, I got very uncomfortable when you just posted “We cannot rule out the Biden […]

The De-Dollarization Book – $25

July 31, 2023

  This is an advance copy in PDF of a book that will be on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, hopefully by the end of August, and will be printed in full color for the worldwide market. Because this topic is so important and the mass media will, as usual, point everyone in the wrong direction, […]

De-Dollarization New Publication $25

July 31, 2023

This is an advance copy in PDF of a book that will be on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, hopefully by the end of August, and will be printed in full color for the worldwide market. Because this topic is so important and the mass media will, as usual, point everyone in the wrong direction, I […]

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