All posts in " Rule of Law "

US Prosecutors Violating International Law – As Always!

November 26, 2017

The USA is once again abusing international law. It is a rare event when I find that I actually have to agree with the head of Turkey about anything, but Recep Tayyip Erdogan is absolutely correct. The prosecution of the Turkish Gold Trader Reza Zarrab violates every principle of the rule of law. Mr. Zarrab’s lawyers had asked […]

Hillary Calls Trump Administration a Dictatorship if She is Investigated

November 26, 2017

The Washington Post has no problem with a Special Prosecutor investigating Trump and any attempt to stop that would be a crime known as Obstruction of Justice. Yet, when it comes to Hillary, they do a backflip and have the audacity to write: “The Justice Department’s declaration that Attorney General Jeff Sessions is considering appointing a special […]

Policeman Jeff Payne Arrests Nurse for Refusing to Take Blood from Unconscious patient

November 6, 2017

Salt Lake City and the university that runs the hospital have settled paying a Utah nurse Alex Wubbels $500,000 for an illegal and abusive arrest by a policeman Detective Jeff Payne who was demanding she take blood from an unconscious patient in violation of his rights. She refused to take his blood without a warrant. The video […]

Ferguson Riots Have Another Face – Police Raise 23% of Revenue in Fines

November 6, 2017

The town of Ferguson made headlines as riots appeared. Who will not forget the police with military gear acting like an invading army. Many supported the police and much of the Black Lives Matter movement began there. The story nobody wanted to tell was that the police of Ferguson have a real attitude problem that sparked […]

Towns Resorting to Extortion of Drivers to Raise Money

November 2, 2017

  I have written about the abuse of Civil Asset Forfeiture laws in the United States, which have mimicked now in Europe. Police are no longer used to protect society, but to target and harass society to raise money for the politicians. It is a shame that Trump has never been pulled over by the police. He […]

Do States in USA Have a Right to Leave?

October 3, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I agree with your blog post about sharing the Declaration of Independence, and how a people have the right to declare independence. Hypothetically, what would your thoughts be if a State decided to leave our Federal Republic… would you believe that a State has the right to declare independence? Thank you for […]

Enlightenment or Just Waking Up?

September 20, 2017

QUESTION:  I have a couple of questions for Martin’s blog if of any interest; 1. Did the challenges of the justice system in his case over those years contribute towards some kind of enlightenment? What I am asking is have you reached the state of enlightened? 2. Do your models envisage a large uptake of […]

Supreme Court Backs Trump on Immigration

September 15, 2017

  COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, you were correct. The Supreme Court supported Trump on the travel ban. REPLY: The entire issue was political. The six countries were targeted by Obama to begin with. The President has absolute power over that issue and it was a joke that any lower court would dare to intervene. The 4th […]

Contempt & the Rule of Law – You Have ZERO Rights!!!!!

September 10, 2017

We are supposed to live in a free society, but we do not. A federal judge claims the same power as the former king and he can sentence you to die in prison without a lawyer, trial, or even a charge. The majority of Federal judges are the most ruthless people you will ever encounter. […]

You Have A Due Process Right to be heard – Not that Judges Must Listen

September 8, 2017

QUESTION: Is there anyway the People have a remedy when the court is corrupt? ANSWER: No. The only remedy historically becomes a revolution. This is by no means restricted to the West. In China, the Judicial minister Chao Cuo (? – 154BC) who served under the previous emperor Ching-ti (Liu Ch’i)(157-141BC), earned the hatred of […]

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