All posts in " Rule of Law "

9th Circuit Rules Against Trump? Really?

February 12, 2017

The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled to continue blocking enforcement of President Trump ’s travel ban. They did NOT strike it down. This is a procedural order granting a STAY until all the ramifications are decided. The unanimous decision of the Court of Appeals simply means that a stay preventing a ban […]

Attorneys offer Free Help – But not to Americans

February 8, 2017

  Attorneys pretend to stand up for what is right only when it is political and they have an agenda. They are hawking signs at JFK while they ignore the most corrupt legal system in America right there in New York City. How about cleaning up the legal system if you care so much about […]

Schumer Pretends to Care for Refugees While Failing to Defend Americans in NYC

February 7, 2017

Chuck Schumer is really showing how he is just an actor and a political hack who does not defend the people or their civil rights in New York City where federal judges routinely commit felonies and everyone turns a blind eye. Even a federal judge in New York has come out and written a book “Why […]

When Clinton Made Same Argument as Trump Against Immigrants They Cheered

February 1, 2017 In 1996 Bill Clinton made it mandatory prison time for any alien who reentered the country after being deported. It was Bill Clinton who made it law that any alien found guilty of virtually any crime even if legally here, they were to be deported even for non-violent crimes. There were no protests. The media […]

ACLU v Trump

January 30, 2017 You have to listen closely to this video of  ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero coming out of the court where the ACLU just argued and won block of Trump’s Muslim ban according to them. He is giving the impression that he beat Trump on everything – which he did not. Pay close attention […]

Inmate Gunned Down in Prison Halfway House After Obama Commuted his Sentence

January 27, 2017

DAMARLON CENAKA THOMAS (Inmate Number: 42325-039), age: 31, black male, was gunned down in a federal halfway house on January 23, 2017. Thomas was a man whose drug-related prison sentence was commuted in November by President Barack Obama. Thomas has been fatally shot at a federal halfway house in Michigan after two men with assault-style rifles […]

Education – The Greatest Fraud Exempt from Law

January 22, 2017

QUESTION: Trump seems to be interested in changing education. This seems to be really controversial. What are your thoughts on this subject. ANSWER: Yes, there are people yelling about reducing or gutting public education. Let’s get real about this. The two WORST areas of abuse have been medical care and education. Both are increasing at […]

Do Not Trust Governments or Their Employees

January 13, 2017

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I am familiar with the case of Robert Kahre who eventually lost a battle with the IRS for paying his employees in $20 gold pieces to avoid payroll taxes. However, do you think holding foreign currency gold pieces in a foreign bank account would be different from a US tax perspective so that […]

Obama Argues Against Rights for Illegal Immigrants

December 2, 2016

While the left continues to bash Trump as a racist for his stand against migrants, the Obama Administration argued before the Supreme Court yesterday for the same result. The Obama Administration was at the Supreme Court on Wednesday, urging the justices to strike down a court decision granting regular hearings to many migrants jailed on immigration […]

Britain Passes the Snooper Charter Ending ALL Privacy

November 19, 2016

Britain has passed what everyone calls the “snooper’s charter” otherwise known as the Investigatory Powers Bill. This new legislation establishes the legal framework authorizing the government to hack into devices, networks and services in bulk and to create vast databases of personal information on all UK citizens. This is a preliminary step for a movement to impose worldwide […]

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