All posts in " Rule of Law "

Two Terabytes of Clinton Documents Have Vanished From National Archive – Presumed Stolen

November 7, 2016

Now two terabytes of Clinton documents while in the White House have been stolen from the National Archive. The documents stolen appear to contain memos, emails, and other electronic documents from the Clinton White House. This took place while Hillary was serving as secretary of state. National Archives officials presumed the drive “was stolen,” according to a […]

FBI Clears Hillary for Mishandling Classified Emails – AGAIN

November 6, 2016

FBI Director James Comey released an official statement saying that with respect to Hillary, “we have not changed the conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton.” There would be no new charges regarding “mishandling” of classified documents. The real story will be the Clinton Foundation. That is what could lead to TREASON. […]

SEC Administrative Law Courts are Unconstitutional

October 6, 2016

The U.S. federal courts do whatever they possibly can to avoid real issues to maintain powers that are clearly unconstitutional. I reported last year when Judge Leigh Martin May struck down a SEC order on this challenge back in June 2015. Now on September 15, 2016, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals has dismissed it, claiming that such a challenge must FIRST be made […]

Saudia Arabia to Sell All US Assets as Congress Overrides Obama Veto

September 28, 2016

Congress voted to override Obama’s veto that families of those killed in the terror attacks on 9/11 would not be allowed to sue Saudi Arabia. This is the first time he has been overruled. This will open the courts in New York to some very interesting court battles, but Saudi Arabia will most likely sell […]

The Curse of Cash = Curse of Elitist Authors

September 25, 2016

The government has its pawns cheering the end of money. They are screaming that $1.4 trillion exists in cash and half of that is $100 bills. Justine Underhill writes that ending cash could be great for the economy. I think that is only great for government for this is all about getting more taxes. Kenneth Rogoff, the […]

Congress Commits Treason Against the People

September 22, 2016

The arrogance of Congress & NSA knows no bounds. A U.S. congressional intelligence committee issued a critical report accusing Edward Snowden of treason, claiming, without knowledge or proof, that his leak of information “caused tremendous damage” to U.S. national security. They rejected him as a “whistleblower” and totally ignore the civil rights of the American people as if […]

Australia Elects Senator Who Was Thrown in Contempt Fighting Against Judges

September 18, 2016

Sen. Derryn Hinch (Vic-DHJP) was thrown in contempt and imprisoned for standing up against corrupt judges. He was elected to the Senate and made his Maiden Speech on September 12th, 2016. He immediately said he would fight to reform the system and even opposed the law that journalists can only photograph a senator when speaking […]

How Socialism Destroyed the Family Structure

August 30, 2016

The very core tenet of Marxism and its two versions called socialism and communism is to actually replace the family structure. In Russian communism, Stalin was paranoid about any possible resistance. Children were taught that the state was their parent instead of their biological parents, and if those creatures spoke anything against the state then […]

US Feds to End Private Prisons

August 27, 2016

The idea behind private federal prisons was to save money, but they did not. They billed the government the same and now they are losing their business. The US Justice Department has announced that it will phase out its use of privately owned prisons. They are citing safety concerns because of investigations that revealed rampant abuses with dozens […]

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