All posts in " Russia "

CNN Confirmed Money Was Stolen from IMF

August 2, 2018

In the movie The Forecaster, I explained that they got Yeltsin to take money from the IMF loans and then they steered that wire through the Bank of New York. As soon as that wire hit, Republic National Bank and Edmond Safra, who was the MAJORITY shareholder of Hermitage Capital at that time, ran to […]

Magnitsky Act & the Strange Backdrop

July 30, 2018

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong – thanks for your efforts on providing us with links to the Magnitski video. I began watching the video last night and then came back to it this morning and was truly amazed that the link was no longer active. I’m curious. Was Magnitski ever charged with anything and or why were they […]

Why is Former Ambassador Refusing to be Questioned by Russians?

July 27, 2018

John McCain is one politician I have no respect for whatsoever. My opinion of him was formed before his war against Trump. His background many have viewed as a real traitor who sought to save himself compared to Snowden all the way to being of highly questionable character given he was responsible for the death of so […]

Another Banned Documentary Hidden from Americans Concerning Russia

July 25, 2018

The entire story in the Western Press has painted Trump as being some sort of puppet of Putin. The latest story is how the press is touting that Trump, Jr. said that the Magnitsky Act would be reconsidered if his father won. This story is plastered all over the press as in Newsweek and others […]

The Media Completely Ignores Putin’s Request to Interrogate US Officials About Interfering in Russia

July 20, 2018   What is interesting about the Trump & Putin press conference is how the Western Media focuses on the claims of Russian interference in the US election and refuse to report any involvement of the New York Banks attempt to take over Russia by blackmailing Yeltsin. Putin says very clearly that Mueller can go […]

Russian Summit Lining Up with ECM

July 5, 2018

QUESTION: Hello Martin, Hope this finds you well. Long time follower of your site. Though I don’t always agree with your conclusions, I value your site as a great source of ideas that challenge my conceptions of how things work. Keep up the good work. Having just read the story on the front page of […]

Can US Russian Sanctions Start A Financial Crisis?

May 8, 2018

The US sanctions against Russia are pointless and are placing the West at risk the politicians are too stupid to even comprehend. Already, some Russian companies have asked the government for liquidity injections of up to $2 billion. Even the world’s second-largest aluminum producer Rusal has asked for help. Nevertheless, the impact of sanctions goes […]

Congress Criticizes Trump’s People for Meeting with Russians

May 3, 2018

  The report is out on the claimed Trump collusion with Putin to defeat Hillary. All it did was criticize some members of Trump’s team for meeting with Russians at Trump Tower who claimed to have dirt on Hillary which was a ruse just to get a meeting. What they were trying to do was explain […]

Russia & the Panic

April 10, 2018

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I greatly appreciate the mere fact that you cover the Russian markets when nobody does. It is really incredible that your computer can write so much and there is no fear of bias or policial slant. Socrates just wrote, “At this moment, this market is in a downward trend on all our […]

British Lab Admits They Cannot Confirm Russia was the Source of the Poisin in the Spy Case

April 4, 2018

Russia has called upon the Hague’s executive council of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), to challenge the allegations of Britain that it was responsible for the poisoning of the double-agent. British scientists at the Porton Down have admitted now that the nerve agent used to poison cannot be traced to Russia. Nevertheless, they […]

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