All posts in " The Hunt for Taxes "

Cars Sales Dropping as Taxes Rise

October 26, 2017

The demand for cars has been declining rapidly in Britain and that is impacting German car sales rather sharply. All price levels in cars have been declining, not just the high end. The sales figures for small cars and the medium class have already declined significantly in the last few months. Now the losses are […]

Left Opposes Lowing Taxes on Rich in France to Bring them Home

October 20, 2017

An online petition from the left in France is demanding that Macrone tell the “truth” about the tax rate the top 100 French will be taxed. They refuse to look at economics and insist that whatever wealth the rich have really belongs to them. Naturally, they have already gathered more than 10,000f French signatures demanding “truth” […]

Canada’s Hunt For Taxes Turns on Minimum Wage Earners

October 20, 2017

The hunt for taxes has turned to employees of companies. Any benefit you give an employee is considered “soft-income” and is to be taxed. In the USA, the maximum value of a gift I can hand an employee is $25. I can’t even give them a decent bottle of champagne for New Years. In Canada, […]

Global Warming Taxes – Or Just Another Excuse?

October 7, 2017

Now that the German elections are finished, Merkel now comes with the tax hikes. This shows the contempt for the people assume that they are just stupid so do nothing before and election, then raise the taxes after. According to a report, Germans should not expect about a 50% tax increase on electricity. As the Bild newspaper […]

EU is becoming a No-Go-Zone for Business

October 6, 2017

The European Union has ordered AMAZON to pay about 250 million euros ($294 million) in taxes to Luxembourg, saying it was given an unfair tax advantage from 2003 because it paid less than they would have paid in France or Germany. The EU is retroactively changing taxes. This is a sure fire way of telling […]

Taxing Income Before You Earn It

October 1, 2017

COMMENT: Hello Martin; I trust you and the state of Florida are healthy, hurricane or not. As to the German VAT pre-pay system, Ontario, Canada tax laws shocked me nearly 30 years ago with income tax on accounts receivable, whether collected or not. I was 22 years old when the accountant came to review my […]

Germany To Tax VAT Just Billing People Before they Pay

September 24, 2017

The German government is desperate for money and what they are doing now is just unbelievable. Germany is looking to order companies to prepay VAT tax before they even collect it.  Companies in Germany will now have to pay the VAT immediately to the government on any amount they have billed to a customer. This is […]

New Zealand & the Hunt for Taxes

September 19, 2017

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, Firstly I appreciate your insight into world events. I don’t see anyone else coming even close to what you do. In New Zealand we are facing an election and taxation is a big topic. Labour on the left has appointed a new, young, female leader who has wide appeal. She is hedging […]

Germany & France Want to Tax Gross Sales on the Internet

September 15, 2017

  The hunt for taxes in France and Germany is in full swing. Merkel and Macrone are looking for endless new sources of tax revenues. They are moving directly into the position of destroying their economies because their thirst for more and more taxes never ends. No matter how much they collect, they never have […]

Canada’s Hunt for Taxes – Trudeau’s Destruction of the Canadian Economy

September 14, 2017

The Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is doing his best to send Canada into the Dark Age. He is clearly a Marxist and has targeted small business which creates 70% of all employment. He said “I want to be clear,” at the Liberal party’s recent caucus gathering in Kelowna. “People who make $50,000 a year should […]

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