All posts in " The Hunt for Taxes "

Australian Tax Authorities on the Hunt

April 12, 2017

The hunt for taxes has also been targeting international companies and arguing that the local operation in their country should pay more in taxes. One example is Rio Tinto (ASX, LON:RIO), the world’s second-biggest miner by market value. The Australian government handed them a A$447 million tax bill increasing a tax assessment in the new clever […]

US Property Tax Comparison by State

April 11, 2017

The latest report on property tax comparisons within the USA has been released. A report from Attom Data shows just how nuts things are becoming with regard to taxes. Property taxes have become really insane in the North. The average annual property tax bill in Alabama in 2016 was $776 compared to the the highest average is New […]

Tax Authorities Still Hunting for More

April 9, 2017

Credit Suisse was raided in the hunt for tax money all throughout Europe. They took out ads last Sunday in the Sunday Times, Sunday Telegraph and Observer in London, all saying that they were a “response to recent reports about tax probes in various European countries”. The hunt for taxes has continued to target Switzerland […]

IMF Issue Working Paper on Eliminating Cash

April 8, 2017

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington has published a Working Paper on “de-cashing” the economies and the implications. This paper clearly demonstrates that this is the direction we are headed into. It provides advice to governments who want to join in the latest thing – abolishing cash. IMF-Analyst Alexei Kireyev recommends in his conclusions: Although some […]

US Population Migrating South to Less Taxed States

April 6, 2017

The US Census report has shown that the net migration from the New York City area has surged during 2016, and that even included myself. Indeed, much more people are leaving the New York region than any other major metropolitan area in the country. Since 2010, the New York area has lost almost 4.5% of its population. […]

Government’s Seizing Money Using Drug Law but 4 out of 5 Are Never Charged with a Crime

April 4, 2017

Civil forfeiture in the United States has been a controversial legal process in which law enforcement officers take assets from persons suspected of involvement with crime or illegal activity without necessarily charging the owners with wrongdoing. The new March 29th, 2017 Department of Justice’s Inspector General just issued a report and has stated that since 2007, the […]

Politicians – Courts – The Corruption of the Rule of Law in 1760s

April 3, 2017

William Tryon (1729-1788) was the Governor of North Carolina from 1765 to 1771 and the Province of New York from 1771 to 1780.  He is best known in North Carolina for his suppression of the Regulator Movement, which some see as a precursor of the American Revolution.  The Regulators were rebelling against increased taxes by […]

Governments Going Insane with New Ways to Tax People

March 31, 2017

In Ireland, a reader has sent this gem in. The Communications Minister Denis Naughten is so proud of himself for changing the definition of a ‘television set’ to include your laptop in order to extend the TV license fee to be applied to computers, laptops, and large tablets. He believes he will generate an extra €5m […]

Banks Secretly Report All Cash Transactions to the Police

March 30, 2017

  I have warned that governments around the world are engaged in the greatest collection of data in human history, tracking everything we do because they are going broke. This is just the hunt for money pretending to be looking for terrorists. Collecting every phone call, email, and text message is far too much data […]

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