All posts in " The Hunt for Taxes "

Marxist Socialism now relabeled as the Sharing Economy

March 23, 2017

In Canada, I was in a discussion with a socialist politician. I was shocked at the response to their view of the economy that everything you earned belonged to the state and they decided how much you were allowed to keep. This same attitude is displayed by the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA). They have cleaned […]

Taxing Property Going Crazy

March 18, 2017

The Left is fighting so hard to keep dominating everyone else, that it is hard not to see how society in starting to implode in the West. In Norway, the hunt for taxes has been so bad, they have now even been raising property taxes to include a dog house in the back yard. Meanwhile in […]

Small Business was the Backbone of the Economy

March 1, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; My family have been lifelong democrats and operated a small local business. We were never in the multi-million dollar class, but always found ourselves considered to the the unholy rich. I remember Joe Biden saying that 90% of small business made under $100,000. Those are most likely individuals and not small business […]

Rome’s Flat Tax Created the Biggest Economic Boom in History

February 9, 2017

  In the earliest days of the Republic Rome’s taxes were quite modest, and were not direct, but were a property tax or a wealth tax on all forms of property, including land, houses, slaves, animals, money and personal effects. The basic rate was just 1% and sometimes it would occasionally rise to 3%. This was to fund the […]

Europe’s Latest Steps to Eliminate Cash Post-Davos

January 30, 2017

Within days of Davos, here is the European Commission statement on moving forward to eliminate cash. This is an “Inception Impact Statement” to provide notice to those involved and to ask for comments back. Everything is couched in terms of terrorism, but in fact it is to hunt taxes and eliminate our freedom to privacy […]

Trump & His Wall – Just a Sign of a Greater Problem

January 27, 2017

QUESTION: Do you support Trump’s wall? ANSWER: A wall will not end the crisis. You can use boats as well. What are the issues? First, the purpose of the wall is to stop the drug trade. It will put a dent into it, but it will not eradicate it. Second, is the immigration. There are […]

Eliminating Currency = Communism

January 26, 2017

Columbia University Economist Joseph Stiglitz says that the United States should phase out currency and move towards a digital economy. All of these people advocating such policies are ignorant of the real world and advocate total government control. Stiglitz told the World Economic Forum that there are “benefits that outweigh the cost.” He hailed India for […]

Trump’s Tax Reduction Follows John F. Kennedy Approach

January 26, 2017

Of course, the left is focusing on how much the “rich” pay while ignoring the entire issue of taxes. When I debated Steve Forbes and Governor James Florio at Princeton University, it was the Democrat Florio who I turned. I simply said that the tax code borrowed from the poor and middle class, handed them […]

Government Requiring ID For Anyone Buying at Sotheby’s

January 22, 2017

As of January 1, 2017, you can no longer buy anything at Sotheby’s without proving who you are. I have bought many things from Sotheby’s over the past 30 years. Since January 1, all sales now require a photo ID even if you are paying by check or bank wire. In other words, they want to know […]

Woman Fined for Pouring Coffee Down Sewer

January 20, 2017

Sue Peckitt, 65, poured a cup of coffee down the street drain and then threw the cup in a public garbage can. The police then gave her a ticket for 80 pounds. She appealed to have the unbelievable fine overturned and was told to pay up. The police told the press that her act of pouring the coffee down the […]

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