All posts in " The Hunt for Taxes "

How to Teach Your Kids About Taxes

February 28, 2023

COMMENT: Marty, you are 100% spot on about governments only ever being capable of lying and mismanaging money and raising taxes. The Australian Labor party that ran on a mandate to not change superannuation are now proposing to change superannuation. Their plan is the abolish tax benefits for accounts with balances above $3M, using the […]

Tax Proposals Rising in California Again

January 16, 2020

Back in 2008, a California Socialist activist was gathering signatures in an attempt to impose a state wealth tax on the ballot that would have imposed a new 35% income surtax on top of the Federal income tax. He realized that people would flee the state, so the solution was to impose an exit tax, […]

Hunt for Taxes & Illegally Searching Your Phone & Laptop at the Border

December 11, 2019

The US border guards have been illegally searching laptops and phones for anything that might lead to hidden money. A Federal Court in Boston has ruled warrantless searches of the phones and laptops of international travelers violates the Fourth Amendment. It is amazing that you would even have to take them to court to force […]

The Hunt for Money – No Amount is Too Small

December 10, 2019

COMMENT: You may already know this but in case you don’t: this is a prime example of the ‘war on cash’.: Yesterday I walked into my sisters bank (Santander) in the local town in England, a quite affluent town not somewhere deprived. I handed over and politely asked to deposit a mere £200 (that’s two […]

The Hunt For Taxes – Sell & Leave Before It is too late?

November 24, 2019

QUESTION: Dear MR. Armstrong, As a long time subscriber to your basic level Socrates,I’m very grateful for the guidance I’ve received.I have a question. In the hunt for taxes my Canadian government just assessed me over $80,000.00 for unreported income. I pay my taxes Mr Armstrong, the Canadian government pulled my bank records and although […]

Germany Looking to Impose a CO2 Tax

September 23, 2019

In Germany, the Federal Minister of Research has said that the introduction of a special tax on carbon dioxide is virtually certain. Global warming research is funded by governments in order to raise taxes. They refuse to fund any research to the contrary because this is all about raising taxes. Germany will soon join Canada […]

Australia Police Now Confiscate Loose Coins in Cars

September 20, 2019

I have heard what I thought was every excuse for governments to raise taxes and seize money, but this is one I quite honestly thought was something too low for even the police. New South Wales police have come up with the most bizarre excuse to rob your money I have ever heard of. They […]

Gold Becoming Part of Money Laundering Laws

September 17, 2019

The hunt for money is moving into high gear in Germany. Prior to 2017, it was possible to buy gold anonymously in quantities up to €15,000. In 2017, this limit was reduced to €10,000. Now, Merkel has drastically reduced this limit to just €2,000 beginning in 2020. Any transaction greater than that amount requires the […]

Can Government Prevent a Major Debt Crisis?

September 12, 2019

QUESTION: Hi Martin I recently stumped upon a documentary on Netflix about you and your model. I then went on and watched some YouTube videos. To me it makes totally sense that taxation does not work, but how can we change it. Do we need to become politicians? We have a very high tax in […]

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