
The Central Bankers Are Crazy & Public is Out Of Its Mind – Where’s the Beef?

March 12, 2016

The central bankers are simply crazy, not evil. They are trying to steer the economy by utilizing this simpleton theory that if you make something cheaper, someone will buy it. Japanese and German cars managed to get a major foothold in the U.S. because the quality of U.S. manufacturers collapsed, thanks to unions. The socialist […]

The European Refugee Crisis is Destroying Europe

March 12, 2016

Ever since the Cologne sexual assaults by the refugees, things have gotten far worse in Germany. The press tends to still hide the crisis. Nevertheless, drawing only from German media reports which have made it to the public, a list documenting more than 160 instances of rape and sexual assault committed by refugees in train […]

The Dow For the week of 03/14/2016

March 12, 2016

While the markets have cheered the public admission that the central banks have completely failed in their quantitative easing and they will now buy more for longer, the technical profile is not as buoyant as it might appear on the surface. We have at least begun to enter the resistance area, but we have still […]