All posts in "Gold"

Illinois In Deep Financial Trouble

June 10, 2017

Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza was ordered to make a “substantial” dent in a $2 billion backlog of bills owed to Medicaid providers. The courts ruled that according to the State Constitution, it cannot reduce the pension payments to state employees. What is happening in Illinois is indicative of how governments are imploding and why I […]

British Election Backfires on May – Exit Polls Show Hung Parliament

June 9, 2017

It’s looking like a hung Parliament and the polls got it wrong again in Britain. The Conservatives appear to be 12 seats short of the 326 to rule with a majority vote after a 20 point lead back in April. Theresa May is facing a serious backlash over her shocking election campaign gamble following an exit […]

What does Trump have in Common with Emperor Nero? Fake News & the Deep State?

June 8, 2017

As we approach what is being touted as a Super Bowl of politics with Comey’s testimony people are making bets will end Trump’s Presidency for good, it is curious how one Roman Emperor was taken down by the Deep State and declared a public enemy driving him to suicide. The Roman Emperor Nero (54-68AD) gets […]

Is Spoofing & Front Running Market Manipulation?

June 6, 2017

QUESTION: Any comments on the Deutsche Bank trader admitting to manipulating the metals markets? JK ANSWER: The way these people claim the metals are manipulated make it sound as if gold would be $10,000 but for the market manipulations. That is total and complete nonsense. The former Deutsche Bank trader David Liew has confessed to a […]

Taxes & Disasters – Always Repeat

June 5, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You wrote that the 1906 San Francisco earthquake resulted in the Panic of 1907 and laid the foundation for creating the Federal Reserve. I was also told that the Kobe earthquake in Japan is what resulted in the Barclay’s loss. Is this why you also input natural disasters into your model? Has […]

Gold – Civil Unrest & War

June 4, 2017

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; does this new report cover how gold responded in World War I and II and civil unrest so you know what to expect with each type of event? Thanks KE ANSWER: Yes. But you have to also keep in mind that it is a function of also where you are on […]

How Does Gold Respond With War – For Real & Why It Should be Part of a Portfolio

May 31, 2017

This is probably the most authoritative study ever done on how gold truly responded during conflicts throughout history be it domestic civil unrest and revolution to international war. Gold has by no means performed the same with each event. It depends entirely upon who is the aggressor and are we facing domestic or international events. […]

Gold, Guns & War Now Available $300

May 30, 2017

We are now opening up for delivery perhaps the most authoritative study ever done on how gold has responded during conflicts. Sometimes it has rallied, and other times it has not. The key is not simply war means gold rises. There is another whole aspect involved which really determines the outcome. This highly detailed report […]

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