All posts in "Gold"

Are Cycles Universal or Regional?

March 20, 2017

QUESTION:  I have a question regarding cycles. You provide some very detailed, historic references showing why certain events are occurring now (again). Is there a disposition for something that occurred in the past to be destined re-occur for a particular region/country (i.e. Greeks abandoning property due to excessive taxation) because it happened once and now […]

Market Talk- March 17th, 2017

March 17, 2017

  Given the mixed to small lower session seen in the US, the reaction it had on Asia was understandably a marginally weaker theme. Eventually, we saw losses in the Nikkei (-0.35%) and Shanghai (-0.95%) but gains for ASX (+0.25%) and Hang Seng (+0.1%). The geopolitical concerns are still present between China and Japan over […]

Trump – Dollar & Why He Will Fail

March 16, 2017

QUESTION: Hi Martin, How is the dollar supposed to continue to rise when Trump and all of his cabinet members want a weaker dollar? They constantly blame others with currency manipulation, all the while they are in fact manipulating the dollar lower with their comments. Hello pot, meet kettle!!! The last 2 Fridays the dollar has […]

The Fed Raises Interest Rates & Markets Rally!

March 16, 2017

The stock market, gold, silver, and oil all rallied when the Federal Reserve delivered the widely expected increase in its benchmark interest rate on Wednesday, the Ides of March. It said that the domestic economy remained on a path of slow and steady growth. In a statement the Fed said that the United States economy […]

Market Talk- March 15th, 2017

March 15, 2017

Another quiet session for Asia with closes small mixed. Toshiba was again a talking point after it lost 12% in todays trading with the added possibility that it may delisted. China’s President, Xi Jinping, commented recently concerns surrounding President Trump and his views surrounding US trade partners; guess this will be hotly debated come the […]

Money or Government – Which is the Problem?

March 14, 2017

QUESTION: Hugo Salinas Price raised the introduction of silver as a duel currency in Mexico. The 1 ounce coin with no number of pesos listed on it (possible no date either) would be a dual currency. The value, like gold and silver bullion, would be listed each day so everyone would know the value. If the […]

Market Talk- March 13th, 2017

March 13, 2017

Core Asian markets performed well today on what has potential to be an extremely volatile week. The Nikkei bounced from early weakness but was more playing off-set from currency moves. The mood did not start so well for Japan after January Machinery Orders came in way below estimate (-3.2% against forecasts of +0.5%). This obviously […]

The Future – Putting it All Together

March 11, 2017

This is the year of political hell. The question is not about supporting one side or the other. This is a time that calls for us not to be small petty creatures but a case that requires rational human beings, which seems to be more impossible with each passing day. Never did there arise a […]

Market Talk- March 7th, 2017

March 7, 2017

The Nikkei continued its two-day slide ending today with just small -0.2% decline. The JPY had one of its tightest trading ranges in awhile even with geopolitics playing out on its doorstep. The talk around Asia remains focused on the FED and implications upon their (Asia’s) markets as they will be closed upon the NFP […]

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