All posts in "Gold"

The 3 Units of Time Reaction Rule

October 10, 2016

QUESTION: Marty, In your September 8 post you said “The Reversals have done a good job and this is actually an appropriate example of how to use them to stay out of trouble. Gold exceed the 1362 Month Bullish intraday moving up to 1377, but then failed to elect that number only to go crashing […]

Is Brussels Trying to Force the Pound Lower?

October 8, 2016

QUESTION:  Any update or longer term array for the GBP? You said they are attempting to hold the USD’s advance back any chance there’s also attempt to punish the UK with an attack on the currency? LM ANSWER: Of course. Europe has a different mindset when it comes to currency. They view the currency as if […]

The Shift in the Financial Capitol of the World

October 6, 2016

QUESTION: Hi Martin I am a follower of your blog. I have a question on your post “Financial Capital of the World & Its Migration” dated 30th sep 2016. I was looking at the graph where Y-axis indicates the scale of Economic Progress (in terms of % of world GDP) against time on X-axis. The decline […]

Market Talk – October 4, 2016

October 4, 2016

With China still on national holidays (Golden Week) trading was quiet but maintains the same trend. That being stronger equity markets offsetting the weaker currency. The JPY today hit recent lows (102.50) whilst the Nikkei heads for levels not seen since Q1. The 17k level remains the intraday psychological barrier where traders feel nervous as […]

Gold to be or Not to Be

October 4, 2016

QUESTION: Marty; I won a bet against a goldbug. He bet gold would soar and the dollar would crash October 1st because of the SDR and said you would be exposed as a fraud. I won the $100 bet. I tried to bet an ounce of gold, but he would do that. I too studied […]

Gold – Dollar – Bonds

October 4, 2016

QUESTION: Hi, I have two questions: a) do you believe US dollar has been kept artificially lower than it should be (or at least in long range trading range) by at least two central banks lately? if so how long you think it would last, years? b) you remind many times gold does not yield so […]

What Happened to the End of the World & Dollar Today?

September 30, 2016

  COMMENT: Well Marty, I guess you are right and the lunatic fringe who said the world would end today and the dollar would crash all because the IMF would include the yuan of China in the SDR failed. These people always bad mouth you, but they are never right. Looks like the Dow is […]

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