All posts in "News"

Modern Monetary Theory v Central Bankers

March 7, 2019

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong et al: Read your blogs daily with great interest & recommend them to all my friends. You’ve absolutely changed my perspective on so many issues. There is a contradictory theme that I & my friends can’t figure out – hope you could respond. You have an obvious animus with Mr. E Griffin […]

Government Ordering Agriculture Be Removed From Commodity Indexes

March 6, 2019

I am in Europe ahead of the May elections as the crisis begins to build. It appears that the powers that be may be talking about Global Warming to justify more taxes, but behind the curtain, these freezing winters are having their impact. The potato crop in Germany has hit a historic low due to […]

World Economy – Which End is Up?

March 6, 2019

QUESTION: Hey Martin First of all, great work with the new Socrates. Thank you very much for getting it to us. You have said that rates are exploding with fed raising rates for the pension funds and because of the lost confidence in government, at least here in Europe. Am I correct when I take […]

AOC’s Support May Be More Vulnerable Than Anyone Wants to Talk About

March 6, 2019

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you said that that AOC won for the same reason that Trump won, just vote against the incumbent. Do you see her being elected again in 2020? PL ANSWER: If you look at the numbers of the 14th district there in New York, you can see what I have been talking about. Joe […]

Britain & Labour’s Proposal for a Permanent Customs Union

March 5, 2019

The leader of the British Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, is desperately trying to prevent the Labour Party from fracturing and splitting into two parties. Most Labour Party members want a second referendum in the hope that the people would vote to Remain this time around. Many Labour members remain under the impression that the policy agreed […]

The Solution

March 5, 2019

  COMMENT: If every 16-year-old school student had to write a thousand-word essay on this presentation the world as we know it would change miraculously within a generation. JM REPLY: Thank you. I agree. If we stopped and looked at the facts, putting politics aside, we would see that we deserve what we get if we do […]

Government Corruption in Municipalities is Off The Charts

March 5, 2019

One of the secret tools government pulls is to deny the people the right to vote on key issues they want that are often cloaked in backroom deals. Seattle is a great example of how the local government pulls every trick in the book to hide the truth about what they are really up to. The Seattle […]

Colorado Joins Compact to Eliminate Electoral College

March 4, 2019

QUESTION: Marty, Colorado is changing its law that the electoral college will be assigned according to the popular vote to try to stop Trump. Would you care to comment on this? MS ANSWER: In Colorado during the 2016 Presidential Election, 48.2% voted for Hillary and 43.3% for Trump. The danger of this bill means that the […]

Were There Government Defaults in Canada During the Great Depression?

March 4, 2019

QUESTION: You always mention how there were defaults and suspension of debt during the Great Depression by states and municipals. Was this also true in Canada? JRT ANSWER: Oh, yes. Whenever commodities have collapsed, Alberta finds itself in trouble. Central banks look to the national market and not to the regional sectors.

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