All posts in "News"

Islam v Christian

April 22, 2019

At least 207 people were killed and hundreds more injured on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka. Suicide bombers sought to kill Christians in a coordinated attack simultaneously targeting churches and luxury hotels. The explosions took place miles apart, and the targets included three Christian churches holding Easter services and three hotels. In addition to those who […]

Suicide Rate Doubles in France Among Police

April 22, 2019

The Yellow Vest movement is turning into a major confrontation demanding Macrone leave office. The French police are now protesting after 28 officers have committed suicide so far in 2019. This is double the amount recorded at the same time last year. While the press tends to focus on complaints of a lack of resources, unpaid […]

HR2990 – Change the Law for Identity Theft

April 21, 2019

QUESTION: I have been hearing a lot about house bill HR2990 also Senate bill SR759 could you explain what this is supposed to do to our economy thank you S ANSWER: That was simply a bill to remove Social Security numbers as the identifying number for Medicare. The purpose of that was to prevent identity […]

Netherlands Objects to France’s Attempt to get EU Funding in a Crisis

April 19, 2019

The Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, is objecting to France’s desired changes to the EU budget. France wants aid with the inclusion of the objective to “stabilize” the economies within the Eurozone, whereby the Netherlands wants all funding to be limited to furthering “competitiveness and convergence.” The Netherlands contributes the most to the EU, […]

Changing Laws Rather than Attacking the Corruption in Berlin

April 19, 2019

COMMENT: Germany to Decide if It Can Nationalize Private Property. The difference between National Socialism (NS/NAZI) and International Socialism (INS) exactly are five letters and their definition according to that they do is pretty the same. But don´t worry about international investors. They got the real estate really cheap along with some gifts to the […]

Could Raising Taxes Save Government?

April 19, 2019

QUESTION: Hello Martin, [Analyst} recently …. raise[d] the alarm that the US is headed towards a very bad debt crisis. During an interesting part of the segment, he was asked if the rich should pay higher taxes, and he said “of course”, but he clarifies that what really matters is whether the tax dollars are […]

Do Border Walls Work?

April 18, 2019

COMMENT: Skeptics who believe a border wall will not stop illegals from entering the United States may want to look at what’s happening in Hungary. On the day its border fence was completed, the influx of illegals entering Hungary went down from 6,353 per day to 870 the next day. For the remainder of that month, […]

Trump v California – the Sanctuary State

April 18, 2019

The battle over illegal aliens in the United States will really make your head spin. In 2017, California passed a “sanctuary state” law that limits cooperation between local authorities and federal immigration officials. Trump has stated that it remains an option for his administration to dump undocumented immigrants in “sanctuary cities,” namely send them all to […]

There Are No Coincidences – Why History Repeats

April 18, 2019

QUESTION: Martin Today is Palm Sunday. In mass, they said HE colluded with the Galilean’s. HE was found innocent by the Council. They said HE was a tax evader. HE was found innocent by new leadership. HE correctly predicted that HE would be denied by his own party 3 times. The corrupt crowd lobbied to release […]

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