After an initial morning wobble, Asian stocks managed some positive momentum to close the day on a healthy note. The Shanghai suffered from low volume, but the final hours trading closed on the days high gaining +0.81%. The Hang Seng hit its days high late morning and then drifted back to close just +0.21% firmer. […]
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The press is all abuzz about the suicide rate is up 33% in 20 years and they blame the lack of funding as if this alone will cure the problem. They never seem to simply correlate this with economics. Now we have more than 47,000 Americans committed suicide in 2017, according to the Centers […]
Professor Valentina Zharkova gave a presentation of her Climate and the Solar Magnetic Field hypothesis at the Global Warming Policy Foundation in October 2018. At the core of her work on the solar background magnetic field observed from the Earth, she revealed four pairs of dynamo waves, the pair with the highest eigenvalues are called […]
QUESTION: What mechanism prevents banks from creating fraudulent electronic deposits of currency? As an IT systems admin, I have the ability to add / subtract / adjust ERP systems inventory / costing outside the normal users ability. I could add widgets to the system at will, but fraud can’t be sustained very long, as the […]
The Shanghai index managed to hold onto gains for longer than the Hang Seng, but eventually both closed negative. Talk is, that a US/China Trade deal would be forthcoming but with a distinct lack of detail and a possible misinterpretation by markets. Core Shanghai reacted most with a 1.3% decline, while Hong Kong held in […]
There was an interesting major hacking event in Italy which gained access to thousands of Italian certified email accounts, including those of magistrates and security officials. These certified emails guarantee the validity of a sender’s identity, as well as the date and time of sending and receiving the email, giving them a clear legal status. This […]
It is incredibly important to understand that as the weather turns bitterly cold in the north, people will begin to migrate south. This not merely caused the ancient Greeks to become the Sea Peoples, but also during the Year without a Summer in 1816 it shifted the population in America. In the United States when […]
Asian markets were buoyant in the hope the meeting between USA and China over the next few days would prove fruitful. Early losses were quickly reversed leading to 1% gains for both Shanghai and the Hong Kong’s Hang Seng indices. The Nikkei gained strength throughout the day, but should be viewed together with a weakening […]