All posts in "News"

Gann – Astrology – Reality

January 23, 2019

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Do you have any thoughts on Gann and his methods?   It seems his astrological approach provides an interesting insights into cycles as well and was curious on your thoughts about his approach Thanks BB   ANSWER: None of the models I have created are based upon any astrological approach or movement of the […]

Market Talk- January 22, 2019

January 22, 2019

The economic slowdown, voiced now by the IMF, has had an understandable impact on the Asian markets today. Probably the result of the weekend Chinese data, but at any length we now have a nervous market that is back looking for the bid! The Japanese Index is retreating from a one months high with dealers […]

Direct Taxation Reduces Economic Growth

January 22, 2019

QUESTION: Happy New Year; Am I correct in noticing a global connection in the money supply, M1 & M2? You directed us to this long ago. The global banks have found the turning point so this affects everything no? Even the US consumer is sliding to the cautious side of spending – fewer mortgages, cars, […]

Inequality of Wealth

January 22, 2019

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; So if I am correct, you have no problem with the inequality of wealth because you have it. Correct? JS ANSWER: Let us look seriously at this issue. All of these people who talk about the disparity or inequality of wealth, claiming it is evil, completely fail to even understand the subject. […]

Euro Declining as a World Currency in Global Transactions

January 22, 2019

While the dollar haters are constantly calling for its demise, when we look at the stats, we see a very different picture. Since 2005, the euro’s share of bank loans has collapsed from 30% of the world market to just 20%, while the Greenback has soared from 60% to now 70% of world debt transactions. […]

Market Talk- January 21, 2019

January 21, 2019

Much had been talked about last week about the slowdown in China and on Sundays release we finally saw the latest. China GDP released at 6.4% but industrial output beat expectations. Both domestic and regional markets took this news as positive, as it tends to reflect a manageable slowdown rather than the feared ‘hard-landing’. Both […]

Panic Cycles v Waterfall Events

January 21, 2019

COMMENT: Hi There, I suggest you do an article on the terminology you use.For example I noted that on your commentary on centamin Egypt you use the term waterfall pattern. You also you use the term panic cycle.An article on these words and their meaning would be helpful. Thanks S REPLY: We do have terminology is […]

The Mystery of Pi

January 21, 2019

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, I just encountered this video.: Can you explain why Pi is showing up there? Thanks and kind regards, M       ANSWER: No. I have come to believe that Pi is strangely the key to all knowledge upon which the entire universe was constructed. The sun’s light takes about 8.6 minutes to reach […]

Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi to Run for EU Seat

January 21, 2019

Silvio Berlusconi announced his candidacy for European elections in May due to a “sense of responsibility.” Indeed, this may be the best thing that ever happened. The EU pulled off a coup secretly behind the scenes to drive him from office because he wanted to take Italy out of the euro to save his country. […]

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