All posts in "News"

Diversity in Europe is the Key to Understanding the Eurozone Crisis

July 3, 2018

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I find your analysis refreshing here in Europe. Sometimes we cannot always look in the mirror objectively. You are correct that perhaps the greatest fault in trying to create the euro has been this idea of forcing one culture upon everyone in Europe. The feelings about the EU are very different in […]

Soros Sneaking Around to Meet with the President of Spain off the Official Agenda

July 3, 2018

Sources in Spain have confirmed that the new president, Pedro Sánchez, met with George Soros secretly last Wednesday afternoon in Moncloa. They met around 7 PM for about 1.5 hours. What is strange is that Soros had two other unidentified people with him and the meeting was NOT on the public schedule. Soros has been […]

Uganda Taxes the Internet Deny Access Unless you Pay Your Taxes

July 3, 2018

I have been warning that there are no rules when it comes to the greed of government. Throughout history, the ideas behind taxes keep popping up in slightly different ways. For example, your freedom to travel can be suspended and your passport revoked if you owe the IRS more than $50,000. In Ancient Rome, it […]

Is Conversational AI Here?

July 2, 2018   IBM has been working on what we call Conversational AI. When I was working on developing Socrates’ Natural Language, I was not interested in creating a machine to debate me. I was interested in creating a machine that I could at least have a conversation with. I teamed up with Dragon Systems back […]

Trade War with China

July 2, 2018

QUESTION: What is your “opinion” on the Trump tariffs dispute with China? ANSWER: Years ago, an old friend from high school was in the Philadelphia Steam Fitters Union. They went on strike for a very long time. He finally came to me and asked for a job. I gave him one and all I ever heard was […]

López Obrador Wins Mexico 43.7%

July 2, 2018

López Obrador has won Mexico but its political system is flawed as is most parliamentary type systems. It allows for coalitions to be formed from very different parties. The French have a run off with the two highest winning candidates thus forcing the people to choose between the two. The problem with the Mexico election […]

The 6 Month Rule on Passports

July 1, 2018

COMMENT:  Dear Mr. Armstrong, I look to help others as you do. My wife turned 60 in June and we planned a trip to Milan and Lake Como on June 30.  We arrived at the airport in Nashville yesterday, checked in, printed our boarding passes and tagged our luggage, then presented our tagged luggage to the AA […]

Christian Persecution Celebrated on Roman Coins

July 1, 2018

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; The Romans seem to have issued coins to celebrate everything. Did they ever issue coins celebrating the Christian persecutions? ZR ANSWER: Oh yes. The coin above celebrates precisely that — the Christian persecutions. There was a major active campaign of persecuting the Christians during the 3rd century as the barbarians were storming the […]

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