All posts in "News"

California Dreaming & Separatist Movement

June 17, 2018

On the November election in California, enough signatures were gathered just over 400,000 to put a question on the ballot – should California be split into three states? The discontent in California is certainly regional. The proposal for three states would break California up into North, South, and just California. Tim Draper has been the primary […]

Giving Up your DNA to Anyone – Bad Idea

June 16, 2018

The pitch by various ancestry operations is to send in your DNA by spitting into a vile and they will tell you your ethnic background. Sounds nice, but they then keep it. Why? The greatest danger is that such info can be turned over to the government at any moment. Giving up your DNA is […]

Netflix Signs Barack and Michelle Obama

June 16, 2018

  I mentioned before that Netflix had originally wanted to air The Forecaster movie, and then all of a sudden they refused because of politics. Well, now Barack Obama and his wife Michelle just signed a contract with Netflix. Netflix has signed a contract with the Obamas for the production of films, documentaries, and a series. Obviously, […]

Market Talk- June 15, 2018

June 16, 2018

  Markets always seem to be waiting for something and even today it appears they were concerned about the BOJ and then later the US/China Trade Talks. The result for cash was that the market felt that the BOJ offered a helping hand after it today downplayed its previous view on inflation. The subsequent bounce […]

Do We Really Borrow From Only Ourselves? Does the Debt/GDP Ratio Means Anything?

June 15, 2018

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, the famous economist Paul Krugman says that debt is ok when we owe it to ourselves. He calls it “deficit scolding” as he wrote in the New York Times. Would you like to comment on this statement? GH ANSWER: Paul Krugman seems to lack any historical understanding of how nations rise and fall. […]

Economic Migration v Welfare Migration

June 15, 2018

COMMENT: Sir, After reading your blog post about the 300% increase in the cost of healthcare for refugees, I wondered the cost in this country for illegal aliens. Healthcare. Education. Food stamps. Etc. I googled anywhere from 3.4 to 11 billion dollars from health care alone. I laughed out loud after reading the above. You […]

Does California Have the Right to Watch You Shower?

June 15, 2018

  Governor Gerry Brown made it a violation of law to shower and do laundry on the same day. The purpose of this law is to  “help California be better prepared for future droughts and the effects of climate change.” The limit will be 55 gallons of water per day. If you exceed that, there will be […]

Market Talk- June 14, 2018

June 15, 2018

Asian markets did not bode well today, especially after the late sell-off in core US indices. Core Shanghai did attempt an initial rally, but could not find the momentum as Hong Kong sank. Just to close small down was an achievement given the surrounding circumstances. The Hang Seng lost 1% as Tech, Real estate and […]

Mandatory Sick Leave for Temps, Part-Time & Just Commission Employees

June 14, 2018

The State of New Jersey just keeps making it more expensive to operate a business in the state. New Jersey has now become the 10th state to adopt mandatory paid sick leave. It goes into effect on October 29, 2018. Giving sick leave to employees has been generally a standard in America. What these new regulations […]

Market Talk- June 12, 2018

June 13, 2018

Obviously, the headline topic throughout Asian and European trading hours was the Singapore meeting between US President Trump and N. Korea’s Kim Jong Un. Interesting the markets were reasonably quiet during the process and even during the hour long Trump press conference. An historic day for sure as just to meet and talk has taken […]

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