All posts in "News"

The Changing Wind in Politics by Generation

May 3, 2018

    There is a major shift underway in the public sentiment that is underscoring why our computer has been forecasting the collapse in Marxist/Socialism. The message of the Democrats has been the same since the Great Depression – vote for us and we will rob those who have more and give it to you. When […]

Marxism to be Challenged on the High-Seas by Robot Ships?

May 3, 2018

A new technology is underway in the construction of the first robot cargo ship. This will be the first unmanned cargo ship to set sail. It is being constructed by Rolls-Royce. There is a catch. The international laws on shipping were set in place because of unions. As is, international shipping law states that ocean-going vessels […]

Private Blog – The Dow Jones Industrials

May 2, 2018

Private Blog – the Dow Jones Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Private Blog – The Dollar Rally

May 2, 2018

Private Blog – The Dollar Rally Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Trump v Obama Trillion Dollar Deficits

May 2, 2018

QUESTION: You ignore that Trump will create a deficit of a trillion in one year with his tax cuts for the rich. What do you have to say about that one! HT ANSWER: So what? Obviously, you probably are a CNN watcher. They never said anything about Obama who created the first trillion deficit and […]

Beware of Household Income Interpretation

May 2, 2018

  I have warned that one of the clever ways taxes are raised is by changing the definition of the rich. We can see that when FDR came into office, the definition of the rich became $5 million because he was planning to introduce the payroll tax and everyone had to pay. That was a […]

Singapore Special Edition Asian Report

May 1, 2018

QUESTION: Will the Asian Report be exclusive to those who attend as was the case for Bangkok a couple years ago? It was also on TV back then and I think when you had dinner with 10 country financial ministers. Will you be doing that again out here? KRM ANSWER: Yes, the 2018 Asian Report […]

Market Talk- May 1, 2018

May 1, 2018

More national holidays today (India, China, Hong Kong, Singapore) which makes volume trades more difficult or even held until volume returns. The Nikkei climbed from a weak morning session to make just a modest (+0.2%) return. It is Golden Week in Japan and so will be closed Thursday and Friday also. The Yen, although light […]

CNN Neither the Most Watched nor the Most Trusted News

May 1, 2018

I was on a rather high-level phone call to Asia. The commentary turned to Trump and CNN. Here the opinion from outside the country was that Trump was doing a very good job. He has started a renegotiation of trade and he is the first president to take a hardline position against North Korea which […]

Bernie Proposed Everyone Gets a Job & Free Healthcare

May 1, 2018

  You really have to wonder just when will these people stop with the promises of robbing the rich to hand out free everything to everyone else. Bernie Sanders wants to introduce a plan to guarantee everyone a job at $15 an hour. He is clueless that if you raise wages, people spend more and […]

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